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High Performance and Coaching
High Performance and Coaching are the responsibilities of the Orienteering Australia High Performance Group (HPG).
The HPG is led by the OA Director, High Performance, and supported by the Head Coach, the Manager – High Performance Administration, Manager – Coaching Development and the Manager – Coaching and Officiating Administration.
To foster and co-ordinate HP and Coaching across Australian orienteering in accordance with the objectives of the OA Strategic Plan there is an OA select committee consisting of the HPG, plus two representatives from each State (representing High Performance and Coaching) plus one athlete representative from the National High Performance and Development Squads. The select committee operates according to its Terms of Reference.
High Performance Positions 2019
OA Director High Performance: Stephen Craig
Head Coach / Athlete Pathway Manager: Jim Russell
High Performance Administrator: Ian Prosser
World Championships (WOC) Coach: Jim Russell
World Championships (WOC) Manager and Assistant Coach: Lars Klyve
World University Championships (WUOC) Coach:
World University Championships (WUOC) Manager:
Junior World Championships (JWOC) Coach: Brodie Nankervis
Junior World Championships (JWOC) Manager and Assistant Coach: Krystal Neumann
Bushrangers Team Coach: Jim Russell
Bushrangers Team Manager and Assistant Coach: Brodie Nankervis
High Performance Squad Coach: Jim Russell
National Development Squad Coach: Natasha Rowe Key
Australian Junior Development Squad Coach: Brodie Nankervis
Targeted Talented Athlete Coordinator: Krystal Neumann
National MTBO Manager:
National MTBO Coach:
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