Coaching and Coaching Accreditation
Coaching and High Performance
Coaching and High Performance are the responsibilities of the Orienteering Australia High Performance Group (HPG).
The HPG is led by the OA Director, High Performance, and supported by the Head Coach, the Manager – High Performance Administration, Manager – Coaching Development and the Manager – Coaching and Officiating Administration.
To foster and co-ordinate HP and Coaching across Australian orienteering in accordance with the objectives of the OA Strategic Plan there is an OA select committee consisting of the HPG, plus two representatives from each State (representing High Performance and Coaching) plus one athlete representative from the National High Performance and Development Squads. The select committee operates according to its Terms of Reference.
Coaching Overview
There are four levels in the Australian coaching pathway. The pathway is recognised by the Australian Sports Commission’s (ASC) National Coach Accreditation Scheme (NCAS) and is the responsibility of the OA Director, Technical and the OA Director, High Performance.
The coaching pathway is intended to track athlete development. The focus for Level 0 coaches is introductory level skills, off track navigation skills are introduced by Level 1 coaches, Level 2 coaches work on further skill development and refinement as well as developing fitness and training programs for developing athletes, whilst our Level 3 coaches have the skills to work with elite athletes training for competition at the highest levels.
It is essential that all coaches maintain a current Working With Children clearance. Coaches are also encouraged to maintain current first aid and CPR qualifications.
Accredited Coaches
The list of NCAS accredited coaches is available at 2019-12-20 Coaches – current . Athletes seeking personal coaching are encouraged to contact accredited coaches directly.
For any errors or omissions, please contact the OA Manager, Coaching and Officiating Development Manager (Coaching and Officiating Development).
Accreditation is valid for four years, during which time coaches must acquire a certain number of ‘points’ to qualify for re-accreditation. The ‘points’ table for Coach Re-accreditation is Coach Reaccreditation Points Updating Table – Jan 2011
Coach Development Help and Enquiries
Each State has their own Director or Coordinator of coaching activities. Level 0 and 1 coaching courses and accreditation are managed at the State level. Enquiries should please be directed to State Coaching contacts in the first instance.
Orienteering Australia coordinates Level 2 and 3 coaching courses. Enquiries and registrations of interest in these courses may be directed to the OA Executive Officer , or to OA’s High Performance Director .
State Coaching Directors are welcome to contact OA’s Coach Accreditation Manager (Jim Mackay) for assistance with accreditation enquiries and updates.
OA’s Head Coach is Jim Russell.
There is a separate page which will hopefully answer your Sporting Schools enquiries.
Coach’s Code of Ethics
Orienteering Australia endorses the Australian Sports Commission’s Code of Ethics for Coaches. All coaches are required to sign the agreed joint ASC-OA code of ethics before being accredited. The Code of Ethics can be found at Coach Code of Ethics – Orienteering. The Agreement form can be found at Coach Code of Ethics Agreement Form – Orienteering
Further Details on Australia’s Orienteering Coaching Courses:
Level O
The Level O course is ideal for coaches that wish to introduce newcomers to the sport of orienteering. It may be through street and urban orienteering or possibly introductory programs at schools.
These courses are conducted regularly in each state and accreditation is managed by the State Coaching Directors. Some states also offer additional introductory modules to specifically to assist with coaching and programming ideas for schools.
There is a Level O syllabus which is recommended by OA.
Please contact State Associations directly to progress Level O training or accreditation.
Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
These three coaching levels are all aimed at coaches working with athletes in a bush environment. Level 1 is best for coaches that are introducing orienteers to the bush and the fundamental skills of off track navigation. As athletes master the basics, Level 2 coaches will help them to refine and further develop their skills and fitness, whilst Level 3 coaches with be working with our most competitive and advanced athletes.
The Australian Sports Commission provides an Online Coaching Principles course which must be completed as part of the Level 1 Coaching accreditation process. States may also require that it be completed for their Level O qualification.
There is also a Intermediate Level Coaching Principles Course which was developed by the Australian Sports Commission and is incorporated into the Level 2 coaching qualification. This component of the Level 2 course is conducted and assessed by external providers.
The syllabus for each level of coach is included below:
(Last updated 20th December 2019)