Four new inductees into Orienteering Australia Hall of Fame

Four new members have been inducted into the Orienteering Australia Hall of Fame.

Hermann Wehner has been inducted into the Athlete Division. Hermann has a long history of outstanding national and international performances in masters-level competition, most recently his gold medal in the M90 sprint in the 2017 World Masters Orienteering Championships.

Three new members have been inducted into the General Division: Eric Andrews (deceased), John Brammall (deceased) and Bob Mouatt. All made outstanding contributions to the sport over a period of many years; among many things, John and Bob both served as Presidents of Orienteering Australia, whilst Eric is responsible for many of Australia’s best orienteering maps.

Hermann photo

Hermann Wehner receiving his gold medal at the 2017 World Masters Orienteering Championships.

Barbara and Ron Junghans win Silva Award for Services to Orienteering

The annual Silva Award for Services to Orienteering in Australia has been presented to Barbara and Ron Junghans. This award reflects their contribution to orienteering in Australia over a period of decades, culminating in their stewardship of the highly successful 2017 Australian Championships carnival.

Other major service awards announced at Easter were made to Bob Mouatt (David Hogg Medal for Services to Event Management) and Wendy Read (Silva Award for Services to Coaching). Both have also been long-term contributors in their fields, both within their home states and nationally.

Wendy Read photo Mouatt photo Barbara Junghans photo

Wendy Read (top left), Bob Mouatt (top right) and Barbara Junghans (bottom left).

Lucy Mackie named as 2017 Athlete of the Year

Congratulations to Lucy Mackie (NSW) who was named as 2017 Athlete of the Year by Orienteering Australia at Easter. This was due to her great results at the Junior World MTBO Championships in Lithuania last year, winning a silver medal in the middle & placing a close 7th in the long.This follows further outstanding results in 2016.

She is only the 2nd MTB orienteer, after multiple World Champion Adrian Jackson, to win this award.

Mackie photo

Schedule of OA meetings for Easter 2018

The following Orienteering Australia meetings will happen this weekend:

Saturday 31 March

Room 1

4.00-5.00             Schools

5.00-6.00             Coaching


Room 2

4.00-5.15             Mapping

5.15-6.30             Technical


Room 3

4.00-5.00             IT

5.00-6.00             Participation and development

Sunday 1 April

5.00                       Orienteering Australia AGM

All meetings will take place at the Domain Athletics Centre, Hobart.

Archive of Australian Championship results now online

The Australian Orienteering Championships have been taking place since 1971 (with some question marks about the official status of the 1971 event, which took place before Orienteering Australia was formed).

A file with the full set of results from the Long Distance event (which was the only all-ages individual event prior to 2006) is now available. This file is sorted by name (making it possible to check your career record, or to see that Hermann Wehner won his 22nd title this year). It is in a text, fixed-width format so can be readily imported into a spreadsheet if you want to sort it by other fields (e.g. year or club).

File with full set of results (approximately 2.1MB).

It is hoped to add the Middle and Sprint Championships results to this archive at a later date.

There will be cases where people have run under two or more different names, or where two people with the same name are mixed together in the file (in most cases it will be obvious which is which from the age group, the club or both).

Paul Prudhoe appointed as OA Executive Officer

Orienteering Australia is pleased to announce that Paul Prudhoe has been appointed as Executive Officer. Paul has previously served as Executive Officer and President of Orienteering NSW, as well as in a number of significant roles in the corporate sector, and we look forward to his joining Orienteering Australia. He will take up his position as of 1 November.

Paul will be supported by an Administrative Support Officer who will be appointed in the coming weeks. With Paul’s appointment, the Orienteering Australia office will also be moving to Sydney over the next few months.

Orienteering Australia also wishes to sincerely thank John Harding for his service as Executive Officer over the last eight years, and wishes him well in his retirement.

OA Executive Officer and Administrative Support Officer – applications wanted

With the forthcoming retirement of John Harding after years of outstanding service, Orienteering Australia is seeking an Executive Officer to lead the sport into the coming years in Australia. We are also seeking an Administration Support Officer to support the Executive Officer in their work.


Applications are sought for suitable candidates to fill these positions. The Orienteering Australia office is currently located in Canberra but alternative locations will be considered for suitable candidate(s). Some knowledge of orienteering is essential for the Executive Officer, and desirable for the Administration Support Officer. Both positions are part-time. It is possible for both positions to be filled by the same person.


Detailed position descriptions and selection criteria for the two positions are on the OA website.


Applications should be sent to the Orienteering Australia office at, or at PO Box 284, Mitchell ACT 2911. Applications should be accompanied by the details of two referees.


Applications close on Friday, 22 September, 2017.


For further information about the position, please contact:


John Harding (Executive Officer), or 02 6162 1200.

Blair Trewin (President), or 0413 849 309.

Round-up of Australian WOC and JWOC results

The World Orienteering Championships in Estonia and the Junior World Orienteering Championships in Finland are now completed. A round-up of the Australian results is below.

World Orienteering Championships


Henry McNulty – 37th

Krystal Neumann – 39th

Natasha Key – mispunch in final

Belinda Lawford – 20th in qualifying

Simon Uppill – 21st in qualifying

Brodie Nankervis – 24th in qualifying

Sprint Relay

20th (Krystal Neumann, Henry McNulty, Simon Uppill, Natasha Key)


Bryan Keely – 39th

Matthew Crane – 45th

Natasha Key – 39th

Krystal Neumann – 42nd


Simon Uppill – 34th

Matthew Crane – 42nd

Belinda Lawford – 52nd

Bridget Anderson – 54th


Men – 18th (Simon Uppill, Henry McNulty, Matthew Crane)

Women – 23rd (Krystal Neumann, Belinda Lawford, Natasha Key)

Junior World Orienteering Championships


Joseph Dickinson – 8th B final

Patrick Jaffe – 10th B final

Simeon Burrill – 28th B final

Toby Wilson – 2nd C final

Jarrah Day – 3rd C final

Aston Key – mispunch in qualifier

Zoe Dowling – 17th B final

Asha Steer – 22nd B final

Winnie Oakhill – 37th B final

Rachel Allen – 42nd B final

Caroline Pigerre – 43rd B final

Tara Melhuish – 16th C final


Joseph Dickinson – 17th

Aston Key – 32nd

Simeon Burrill – 54th

Patrick Jaffe – 82nd

Toby Wilson – 88th

Jarrah Day – 128th

Tara Melhuish – 40th

Asha Steer – 66th

Zoe Dowling – 91st

Caroline Pigerre – 104th

Winnie Oakhill – 109th

Rachel Allen – 111th


Aston Key – 29th

Joseph Dickinson – 57th

Jarrah Day – 83rd

Patrick Jaffe – 90th

Simeon Burrill – 102nd

Toby Wilson – 122nd

Zoe Dowling – 60th

Tara Melhuish – 89th

Rachel Allen – 90th

Asha Steer – 92nd

Winnie Oakhill – 94th

Caroline Pigerre – 99th


Men – Australia 1 25th (18th nation), Australia 2 40th

Women – Australia 1 26th (16th nation), Australia 2 33rd