Start lists for today’s World Cup Sprint Qualification now available

Start lists are now available at the event website for the World Cup Sprint Qualification races at the spectacular Cataract Gorge, a photographers’s delight!!

There will be live radio splits at

First starters:
1 Emma Johansson SWE 16:00:00
2 Kayla Fairbairn NZL 16:00:00

101 Ewan McCarthy GBR 16:30:00
102 Devon Beckman NZL 16:30:00

Last starters:
41 Judith Wyder SUI 16:20:00
42 Rahel Friederich SUI 16:20:00
43 Tove Alexandersson SWE 16:21:00

151 Matthias Kyburz SUI 16:55:00
152 Marten B. Bostrom FIN 16:55:00
153 Soren Bobach DEN 16:56:00

OA President Blair Trewin is heading the live commentary team.

Orienteering Australia High Performance positions advertised

Orienteering Australia has a new ‘High Performance and Athlete Development Pathway Strategic Plan, 2014-2018’. This was endorsed by the OA Annual Conference on 30 November 2013.

Part of the implementation process has included a major review of the roles and responsibilities of OA’s paid High Performance (HP) positions to ensure alignment with the plan. This has led to the creation of three new paid part-time HP positions: National Head Coach, National HP Administrator and National MTBO Coordinator.

The position descriptions, responsibilities, competencies and conditions of employment are in the following links:

Head Coach Position Description

National HP Administrator Position Description

National MTBO Coordinator Position Description

Applications for each position must include experience against the duties of the position, claims against the competencies/selection criteria of the position, and 2 referees. There will be an initial appointment of 2 years.

Applications close with Lance Read, OA High Performance Director, on Monday 17 February. Email

Silva National League Events- Bulletin 1

Bulletin 1 for both the first round of Silva National Orienteering League events (Races 1,2,3) to be held in Brisbane on 22nd and 23rd February

and the second round of events (Races 4,5) to be held near Beechworth on 22nd and 23rd March are now available.

NOL Sprint Races Feb 2014 Bulletin 1 pdf.pdf

NOL March 2014 Bulletin 1.pdf

The first round of Silva NOL events will include a mixed sprint relay for teams of either two women or two men from states to be held in the centre of Brisbane at Roma Street Parklands. There will also be a sprint qualification event for both senior and junior elites on Sat (PM) from which the top five from each heat will qualify for the A final to be held on Sunday (AM). The maps for these two sprints will be Qualification-Griffith University and the Final- Kelvin Grove Campus of the Qld University of Technology.

In March sees the Silva NOL events return to the complex goldmining map “Yackandandah” for a middle distance race and on the Sunday a return to the granite rock of “Kangaroo Crossing” for a long distance race.

These events provide all elite athletes with a great opportunity to demonstrate their form in all the three disciplines leading into the Easter 2014 carnival of major events.

WOC & JWOC coach and team manager appointments

Orienteering Australia is pleased to announce the following Australian team appointments for 2014 and 2015.

World Foot Orienteering Championships:

Coach – Tom Quayle
Manager-coach – Wendy Read

World Junior Foot Orienteering Championships:

Coach – Hanny Allston
Manager – Karen Blatchford

New OA insurance Certificate available

The new OA insurance Certificate of Currency documents covering the period 15 December 2013 to 15 December 2014 are no longer available.


Details of 2014 Selection Trials and High Performance Squads.

JWOCBulgariaJuly 21-27 WOCItalyJuly 5-12 WUOC CzechAug 11-16 BUSHRANGERS NZ Test June BUSHRANGERS AUST Test Sept WORLD CUP JAN 2015(note that results from WOC, JWOC and other international races in 2014 will count towards selection)
Brisbane sprints Feb 22-23 N Y – primary sprint trials Will be considered All races will be used in order to select the best available team from the HPS. Junior Bushrangers’ team proposed also. All races will be used in order to select the best available team from the HPS. Junior Bushrangers’ team proposed also. Considered under all known previous form
Beechworth middle/long Mar 22/23 Y Y Will be considered Considered under all known previous form
Easter Fri-Mon April 18-21 Y Y Y – primary trials Considered under all known previous form
Anzac Fri 25-Sat 26th April mixed sprint relay, long race N Y Will be considered Considered under all known previous form
Australian Championships week WA Sept 27-Oct 5th N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Y – primary trials. Athletes are encouraged to attend all races.




Australian Junior Development Squad (AJDS)

Blatchford Nicola F 19 NSW

Burrill Alison F 19 Qld

Dawson Aidan M 18 NSW

Dawson Michele F 20 NSW

Day Jarrah M 17 Tas

Dowling Anna F 17 Tas

Doyle Matt M 18 Vic

Fuller Melanie F 19 SA

Goddard Hannah F 17 Tas

Hill Daniel M 17 NSW

Marshall Nicola F 19 Tas

McNulty Henry M 18 WA

Melhuish Stephen M 17 ACT

Mill Oliver M 17 ACT

Nankervis Ashley M 18 Tas

Sprod Olivia F 19 SA

Steer Lanita F 18 Vic

Young Sally F 18 SA

National Development Squad (NDS)

Barnett Andrew M 21 ACT

Brownridge Clare F 27 Vic

Brownridge David M 30 Vic

Doyle Jacqui F 20 ACT

Effeney Katelyn F 23 Qld

Fleming Mary F 21 Vic

Gillis Lauren F 25 SA

Gregory Kas M 22 NSW

Gregson Mark M 36 Qld

Lawford Belinda F 23 ACT

Massey Alex M 22 NSW

McGuire Matt M 27 Qld

Meyer Ian M 33 NSW

Muir Heather F 21 Qld

Neumann Krystal F 23 Qld

Rattray Kerrin M 31 SA

High Performance Squad (HPS)

Anderson Bridget F 25 Qld

Arthur Bruce M 40 Vic

Barr Evan M 28 Vic

Blatchford Josh M 23 NSW

Dow Lachlan M 23 ACT

Effeney Rachel F 26 Qld

Keely Brian M 26 Vic

Lawford Ian M 21 ACT

McNulty Oscar M 20 WA

Meyer Dave M 29 NSW

Nankervis Brodie M 20 Tas

Naunton Chris M 28 Vic

Parton Matthew M 28 NSW

Poland Oliver M 20 ACT

Prendergast Aislinn F 25 Vic

Preston Kathryn F 34 Vic

Preston Rob M 36 NSW

Scown Murray M 28 ACT

Sheldon Anna F  33 Qld

Elite High Performance Squad (EHPS)

Allston Hanny F 28 Tas

Brown Felicity F 30 NSW

Crane Grace F 31 Tas

Dent Julian M 29 NSW

Neve Jasmine F 28 Vic

Round Vanessa F 27 SA

Uppill Simon M 27 SA

2014 Prohibited List

WADA releases 2014 Prohibited List

The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has released the 2014 Prohibited List which will come into effect on 1 January 2014.

It is important to familiarise yourself with the List to ensure you are ready for the change.

Most changes for 2014 seek to provide greater clarity to the List, with the majority of amendments being of a technical nature, including re-categorising and improving the terminology of existing substances and methods.

Further information about the new Prohibited List can be found on the ASADA ( and WADA ( websites.

Athletes can re-check the status of their medications at any time by referring to the Check your substances tool on the ASADA website. The Check your substances tool will be updated to reflect the 2014 changes on 20 December 2013.

JWOC selection criteria for 2014

Orienteering Australia will send a team to contest the 2014 Junior World Orienteering Championships in Bulgaria from 21st to 27th July.

It is expected that a team of at least 4 men and 4 women will be selected. Additional team members (up to a maximum of 6 men and 6 women) may be selected depending on performance in the selection trials.


Nominations are to be made to the Chair of the Junior Selection Panel, Jan Hardy, by e-mail ( A note advising of your availability for selection is sufficient. Nominations should be received no later than Sunday, 9th March 2014. Verbal nominations will not be accepted. Late nominations may be accepted at the discretion of the selectors.

With your nomination please advise a phone contact for the days after Easter – this will make it easier for us to get the good news to you if the occasion requires.

Selection Criteria

The primary selection trials are the four races of the Easter weekend, to be held in NSW from 18th to 21st April 2014 .

Secondary selection trials will be the 2014 March National League races on March 22nd and 23rd in Victoria.

All candidates for selection are expected to compete in these events unless they have grounds for special consideration.

In such cases of special consideration, or where selection is exceptionally tight between 2 or more nominees, selectors may refer to the results of other recent major events, including 2013 JWOC and 2013 Australian Championships.

Further details of the selection criteria are available in the full selection criteria document.

MTBO – Triple Gold for Carolyn Jackson at World Masters

The recent MTB Orienteering World Championships in Portugal saw Australia’s contingent of 5 riders have great success.

Victoria’s Carolyn Jackson won gold in all three distances, sprint, middle & long in W50. Peter Cusworth (M60) was 2nd in sprint, 3rd in long and 8th in middle.

Thor Egerton (W40) was 2nd in sprint and took the bronze in the other two events.  Jon Sutcliffe (M40) & Carolyn Cusworth (W50) also participated well.

This week-end in Canberra sees the last round of the MTB Orienteering National Series events being held in the fantastic trails of Sparrow Hill & Kowen Forest.   There will be the Australian (and ACT) sprint championship & the ACT middle championships on the Saturday followed by the ACT long championships on the Sunday.  MTBO statistician Blake Gordon will be on hand to do the final maths so that the national series trophies can be presented on the Sunday.

In men’s elite the WA pair of Ricky Thackray & Ian Dalton are making the trip across, with local Seb Dunne and NSW’s Steven Todkill amongst a strong field that will challenge them.  Women’s elite is a three way match up.  The M20 class sees Victorian Tim Jackson being confronted by ACT brother’s Ian & Paul de Jongh.   Paul is very fast normally but could be a little tired after riding outstandingly well for 3rd in the U23 class at the Solo World MTB 24 hour event last weekend.

Carolyn Jackson, having just won three gold medals at the Masters, will be challenged by ACT riders Jasmine Sunley and Danielle Winslow.  Jasmine has just made the transition from the juniors while Danielle is a former WOC foot O orienteer and outstanding adventure racer who is getting back into competition after the birth of her first child.

Full details of the following MTBO positions (and WOC & JWOC foot O positions) will be uploaded tomorrow.

Australian MTB Orienteering Coach.

Time Period: October 2013 to September 2015.

Job Requirements:

Primary role:

Coach of the combined WMTBOC & JWMTBOC team, with a management role within Australia.

Remuneration: The position is voluntary in its nature. Negotiated funding is available to support squad & team activities and coach expenses within Australia. All expenses will be met for travel to WOC. 


2014 Mountain Bike Orienteering World Championships Australian Team Manager.

Time Period:  For 2014 World Championships.


Co-ordinate the day to day arrangements of the Australian team (WMTBOC & JMTBOC team members) whilst they are overseas, both at the pre-champs training camp and at WMTBOC itself.   This specifically involves food, accommodation and travel needs.

Assist the coach through being present at the finish of all WMTBOC competitions, so as to meet the immediate needs of the riders.

Manage the team budget on a daily basis and maintain financial records of items spent whilst overseas and forward these on in orderly fashion to the coach, at the conclusion of the WMTBOC carnival.

Assist with publicity for the team via the OA website, Facebook and any blogs, in conjunction with the Coach.

Remuneration: The position is voluntary in its nature. All overseas based expenses at the training camp and during WMTBOC will be met.  This covers accommodation, food and car travel.

OA HP Squad Applications 2014

In 2014 OA High Performance is establishing a new Talent Development Structure comprising three levels of Squads at the national level. This is part of the development of clearly defined Athlete Pathways for Orienteering based on the AIS FTEM framework.

The application forms for all current and future elites who are intending to compete at NOL standard and above in 2014 have been sent to all athletes who completed an Athlete Profile for 2013.

Anyone who did not receive a copy of the application form and is interested in being part of these HP Squads in 2014 can do so by accessing the form at

Or email

The application forms need to be returned by the end of October. Included in these application forms is an indication of the athletes desire to attend either of the training camps in Tasmania and Canberra in January 2014.