These will be held on the weekend of April 4-5 based in Beechworth, Victoria.
The trials are for both the elite and the Junior (U21yrs) World Championships teams. A maximum of 6 men and women in each category are eligible for selection. Orienteering Australia would especially like to see many junior representatives try for the team.
The two events will compose a sprint event in Beechworth on “Maydays” and a long event on the updated “Devil’s Elbow“ map at nearby Stanley. Note that both maps are now embargoed for riders nominating for the team. However digital copies of the old maps for armchair study can be attained by emailing
A training day will be held on Friday 3rd based in the Beechworth area. This will involve some riding plus theory, but won’t be overly strenuous. Riders should aim to source accommodation in Beechworth as soon as possible, as it is school holidays in Victoria.
Nominations for the trials and whether you are attending the training day will be sought in late February. The World Championships are being held in the Czech Republic (17-23 August) but team members will also be required to attend the pre Champs training camp there from August 10th. Riders receive some funding support from Orienteering Australia but will need to pay all airfare and uniform costs, and approximately $1,000 towards the 2 weeks of overseas expenses.
For more information contact Kay Haarsma (OA MTBO C0-ordinator) on 0403 455 534.