Wildfire Sports Ultra Long – Flinders Ranges April 2016 – Entries now Open

Entries are now open for the 2016 NOL Ultra Long race and associated events being held in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia over the Anzac Day weekend in late April.

The link to entries and the NOL and IOF WRE Bulletin can be found here: http://sa.orienteering.asn.au/2016NOL/

The event will be part of a 3 day carnival with the following events.

NOL and SA Middle Distance Championships – 23rd April Saturday afternoon, Wilpena Creek/Spurs.

NOL Ultra Long and SA Long Championships – 24th April Sunday morning, Prelinna – Mannawarra. This event is also a WRE for M/W21E.PrelinnaMapSnippet2

Middle Distance format event – 25th April Monday morning, Rawnsley Park

The prize money for the Ultra Long is as follows (varies from previous years)

  • $500 for the winner of each elite age class
  • $500 for the elite entrant closest to their base km rate (as in previous years)
  • Courses will be longer than for past events as the terrain is very fast and has only low climb over most of the map. Runnability is impeded in parts by closer native pines and low shrubbery.

The event areas are about 450 km north of Adelaide, allowing driving from Adelaide on Saturday morning in time for the first event. Many accommodation options are available including cabins (various standards), powered sites and bush camping at Rawnsley Park, camping, motel and glamping at Wilpena Pound, and motels and the caravan park at Hawker.




Sprint Canberra

23rd-26th January 2016

Sprint Canberra will be held in conjunction with an Orienteering Australia High Performance Sprint Training Camp based at the AIS. There will be more than 40 athletes from all over Australia who are members of one of the National HP Squads attending this camp from Friday 222nd Jan- Tues 26th Jan.

Sprint Canberra will involve five sprint events to be held over four days. All events are close to the AIS.

Four of the events will be held on urban sprint maps and one will be held at Stromlo Forest Park which is a bush map, with fast running and some intricate erosion detail.

The course setters for these events brings the JWOC 2007 course setters back together. Dave Meyer (JWOC 2007 Sprint) will be setting Event 1 at the Canberra Institute of Technology, David Shepherd (JWOC 2007 Middle) will be setting Event 3 at Stromlo Forest Park (this will be a Sprint Relay for the Elites classes), Phoebe Dent (JWOC 2007 Relay) will be the setter for Event 4 at Australian National University (North) and Julian Dent (JWOC 2007 Long) will set the final event at Australian National University (South). The other event will be at Radford College and the course setters will be the aspiring JWOC candidates Oliver Mill and Ciaran Lane.

We will have some of Australia’s best senior elites and junior elites competing over these five events with some quality overseas competition from the visiting coaches who are currently living in Australia.

The Sprint Training Camp will be attended by over 40 athletes from all states. As well as gaining valuable competition experience they will have sessions during the camp which focus specifically on the techniques and skills required in sprint orienteering. It is a great opportunity for the older elites to work with our younger elites and to share their knowledge and experiences with the next generation of Australia’s senior elite orienteers. The camp will provide the coaches of the National Squads with the opportunity to not only work with the athletes they will be able to assess the training plans that all squad members have and to assess their level of fitness as they start their preparations for the major events which start in early March with the Melbourne Sprint Weekend.

Financial Support for National Squads Training Camp.

Recently the AIS announced that all Whole of Sport Funding for Orienteering Australia will cease. As a result the funding that Orienteering Australia has allocated to the High Performance program has ceased. However, as we want to continue with the High Performance program which provides the opportunity for junior and senior elite orienteers to be part of the National Squad program and to then develop and go on to represent their country in international competitions such as WOC, JWOC, World University Orienteering Championships and also Bushrangers Teams (senior and junior), we are offering the opportunity for orienteers to donate money towards the funding of Orienteering Australia’s High Performance program.

This donation arrangement is in conjunction with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF). For the Sprint Training Camp donations can be made via Eventor.


Individuals, clubs, State Associations and businesses who want to support the athletes  attending  the Sprint Training Camp financially can choose to donate either $20, $50 or $100.

The names and the amount are then passed on to the ASF and they issue an invoice which allows donors to use as a tax deductible status to claim tax relief for any donation of $2 or more.

SI Air comes to Australia.

The events during Sprint Canberra will be using the SI Air contactless punching system for the first time in Australia (elite classes only). This will be a great opportunity to demonstrate this new punching system which has been approved by the IOF and is now being used in all major sprint races overseas. The equipment for this trial is being provided by AussieO Gear who is the SportI dent representative in Australia

As well we will have live result, video and audio feed to the internet. This service will be courtesy of Living It Live, the business that Toph Naunton has set up and has been used at major events in Australia during the last two years.


Event 1. Sat 23rd 17:00         Canberra Institute of Technology  – Dave Meyer                                                                                

Event 2. Sun 24th 17:00         Radford College  -Oliver Mill and Ciaran Lane                                                                             

Event 3. Mon 25th 9:00          Stromlo Forest Park – David Shepherd                                                                              

Event 4. Mon 25th 17:00        Australian National University (North) – Phoebe Dent                                                                             

Event 5. Tues 26th 9:30        Australian National University (South) – Julian Dent



Course 1: Men/Women Elite

Course 2: Men/Women Open

Course 3: Men/Women Short

Course 4: Men/Women Novice

Entry fees– all five events $60, under 16 $30

Individual Event entry -$15, under 16 $8

Enter on Day – Course 2 and 4

Enter online at


Enquiries: Nick Dent  0428251786, Ron Pallas 0424720165

2016 Targeted Talented Athlete Group Announced

Congratulations To All Athletes Selected in The 2016 Targeted Talented Athlete Group

Each year, as part of the athlete development program, Orienteering Australia selects a group of athletes to be part of the Targeted Talented Athlete Group (TTA). Members of this group are invited to all HP squad activities, training camps, and competition opportunities for 2016. To be selected in this group in any year, athletes must be turning 16 years of age, or above, during the year they are members of the group. Membership of the Targeted Talented Athlete Squad is by invitation only, based on performance analysis from major national events in 2015 and will be updated after Easter 2016 in the ACT.

Congratulations to the following athletes who have been selected for the 2016 Targeted Talented Athlete group.

Alastair George (NSW)
Angus Haines (SA)
Glenn James (Vic)
Patrick Miller (Act)
Jed Fleming (Tas)
Duncan Currie (NSW)
Zazi Brennan (Qld)
Louis Cameron (Vic)
Josh Morrison (QLD)
Mikaela Ronnback (NSW)
Jimmy Cameron (Vic)

We look forward to your involvement in the Orienteering Australia High Performance Program. The HP Coaches look forward to working with you all to further develop your orienteering and helping you to achieve your orienteering goals. In particular, we congratulate and welcome new squad members to the Australian High Performance Program.

The first squad camp is at the Australian Institute of sport coinciding with the Canberra sprint weekend to be held Jan 22nd-26th. Initial details about this coming camp are available in the December High Performance News and further information will be released in the next few weeks. TTA athletes, if you are available, please confirm you attendance at the sprint Canberra training camp through this form by the 30th of December 2015.

The membership details of the previously announced National Squads are found in the link below:

OA National Squads 2016 (December, 2015)

Processes around squad selection can be found here

Lance Read
Orienteering Australia Director of High Performance

Junior Bushrangers Selection Criteria – AUS v NZ Testmatch – Round 1 (Wellington)

junior bushrangers
Bushrangers Logo.JPGThe selection races and selection criteria for the first 2016 Australia v New Zealand Junior Test-Match, to be held in Wellington NZ, are outlined in the following attachment. These selection criteria will be used to select the 2016 Australian Junior Bushrangers Team. The Test-Match races will be held on complex sand-dune terrain near the venue of the 2013 NZ World Cup races, and offer a great opportunity to develop skills in a unique, world-class terrain type that we do not experience commonly in Australia. These two IOF World Ranking Events, will provide some great experiences in a beautiful area. Athletes who wish to apply for Junior Bushrangers selection and are not a member of a Australian High Performance Squad, will need to also apply to become a squad member as soon as possible.

The Selection Criteria for Round 1 of the AUS v NZ Junior Test-Match series, to be held in Wellington, New Zealand from Sat 4th June – Sunday 5th of June, are found in the link below:

Round 1 Junior Bushrangers 2016 Selection Criteriaimages

All National Squad members who are eligible to nominate have been sent an email from the Athlete Management Platform (AMP)

Nominations are required by the online nomination form below:

Junior Bushrangers 2016 Athlete Nomination Form

A link is also available on AMP under Resources: Selection Criteria. Please note, nominations are due by the 28th February, images-22016. All nominations are required through this form above.

All interested Athletes are requested to read through the Selection Criteria carefully. Details and dates of the Australian selection races can also be found in the 2016 NOL schedule.

To apply to become a member of a national squad please see here.

Selection criteria and races for the Australian schools team for the 2017 Oceania Carnival will be released in the middle of 2016.

Best wishes for your preparations.

Lance Read,
OA Director High Performance

Senior Bushrangers Selection Criteria – AUS v NZ Test-Match – Round 1 (Wellington)

Bushrangers Logo.JPGThe selection races and selection criteria for the first 2016 Australia v New Zealand Test-Match, to be held in Wellington NZ, are outlined in the following attachment. These selection criteria will be used to select the 2016 Australian Senior Bushrangers Team. The Test-Match races will be held on complex, sand-dune terrain near the venue of the 2013 NZ World Cup races, and offer a great opportunity to develop skills in a unique, world-class terrain type that we do not experience commonly in Australia. These two IOF World Ranking Events, will provide some great experiences in a beautiful area. Athletes who wish to apply for Senior Bushrangers selection and are not a member of a Australian High Performance Squad, will need to also apply to become a squad member as soon as possible.

The Selection Criteria for Round 1 of the AUS v NZ test series to be held in Wellington New Zealand from Sat 4th June – Sunday 5th of June are found in the link below:

Round 1 Senior Bushrangers 2016 Selection Criteriaimages

All National Squad members who are eligible to nominate have been sent an email from the Athlete Management Platform (AMP)

Nominations are required by the online nomination form below:

Senior Bushrangers 2016 Athlete Nomination Form

A link is also available on AMP under Resources: Selection Criteria. Please note, nominations are due by the 28th February images-22016. All nominations are required through this form.

All interested Athletes are requested to read through the Selection Criteria carefully. Details and dates of the Australian selection races can also be found in the 2016 NOL schedule.

To apply to become a member of a national squad please see here. Selection criteria for the  Australia / New Zealand Junior Test-Match can be found on the OA HP webpage.

Best wishes for your preparations.

Lance Read,
OA Director High Performance


2016 WUOC Selection Criteria

The selection races and selection criteria for WUOC 2016wuoc2016_logo_300x144 are outlined in the following attachment and will be used to select the 2016 Australian Team for the World University Orienteering Championships. Athletes who wish to apply for WUOC selection and are not a member of a Australian High Performance Squad, will need to also apply to become a squad member as soon as possible.
The Selection Criteria for WUOC 2016 to be held in Miskolc, Hungary from July 30 – August 4 are found in the link below:
WUOC 2016 Selection Criteria

All National Squad members who may be eligible to nominate have been sent an email from the Athlete Management Platform (AMP). Please read the eligibility requirements around student enrolment carefully.
Nominations are to be submitted using the online nomination form below:
WUOC 2016 Athlete Nomination Form

A link is also available on AMP under Resources: Selection Criteria. Please note, nominations are due by the 28th February, 2016. All nominations are required through this online form.

Overseas athletes, please note that you will need to contact Tom Quayle before the 28th of February to start arrangements to shedule your alternate selection races as outlined in the section criteria. Please contact Tom earlier, rather than later, for this initial discussion.

All interested Athletes are requested to read through the Selection Criteria carefully. Details and dates of the Australian selection races can also be found in the 2016 NOL schedule.

To apply to become a member of a national squad please see here. Selection criteria for the Australia / New Zealand test matches rounds are available in the following HP post.

Best wishes for your preparations.

Lance Read
OA Director High Performance

2016 WOC Selection Criteria Released.




The selection races and selection criteria for WOC 2016 to be held in Sweden are outlined in the following attachment and will be used to select the 2016 Australian WOC team. Athletes who wish to apply for WOC selection and are not a member of a Australian High Performance Squad, will need to also apply to become a squad member as soon as possible.

The Selection Criteria for WOC 2016 to be held in Strömstad – Tanum, Sweden  August 20 – 27th 2016 are found in the link below:

WOC 2016 Selection Criteria

All National Squad members who are eligible to nominate have been sent an email from the Athlete Management Platform (AMP).

Nominations are required by the online nomination form below:

WOC 2016 Athlete Nomination Form

A link is also available on AMP under Resources: Selection Criteria. Please note, nomination are due by the 28th February 2016. All nominations are required through this form.

Oversees athletes, please note that you will need to contact Tom Quayle before the 28th of February to start arrangements to shedule your alternate selection races as outlined in the section criteria. Please contact Tom earlier, rather than later, for this initial discussion.

All interested Athletes are requested to read through the Selection Criteria carefully. Details and dates of the Australian selection races can also be found in the 2016 NOL schedule.

To apply to become a member of a national squad please see here. Selection criteria for the World University Orienteering Champs and Australia / New Zealand test matches rounds will be released shortly.

Best wishes for your preparations.

Lance Read
OA Director High Performance

2016 National Squads

Congratulations To All Athletes Selected in the National High Performance Squads

Orienteering Australia National Squads have been selected by the High Performance coaches from the athlete squad nominations submitted to date. Athletes who have applied to be part of the squad structure have been assessed on their performances during 2015. This has given the selectors benchmarks of achievement for each athlete which have been used to place athletes into the squad that is at their level of performance. Membership of the Targeted Talented Athlete Squad is by invitation only, based on performance analysis from major national events in 2015. This group will be announced shortly. The High Performance Team would like to thank all squad nominees for the thought and time that has gone into their performance reviews as part of the individual nomination process.

Processes around squad selection can be found here

The squads are:

Elite High Performance Squad (EHPS)

High Performance Squad (HPS)

National Development Squad (NDS)

Australian Junior Development Squad (AJDS)

Targeted Talented Athlete Squad (TTAS)

As a member of an OA National Squad each athlete must:

  • Create a Profile on the Orienteering Australia Athlete Management Platform (AMP). New squad members will receive an invitation to be a member of the AMP. This profile is to include- age, phone, email address, postal address, coaches name and contact, IOF ID, link to training log, athlete biography, photo.
  • Maintain an Athlete Log– contact with squad coach
  • Complete Race Analysis (under Evaluations) for all major events
  • Prepare an Event Schedule for 2016/17 
  • Complete a Wellness Test at least once a month and log any illness or injury
  • Regularly log on to AMP to check documents as all communication with athletes will be via AMP.

Congratulations to all the listed athletes on becoming a member of one of the OA National Squads for 2015. The HP Coaches look forward to working with you all to further develop your orienteering and helping you to achieve your orienteering goals. In particular we congratulate and welcome new squad members to the Australian High Performance Program. If you have recently been selected for the first time, you will receive an invitation to AMP in the next few days.

The first squad camp is at the Australian Institute of sport coinciding with the Canberra sprint weekend to be held Jan 22nd-26th. Initial details about this coming camp are available in the December High Performance News and further information will released in the next few weeks. Those new to the squads could you please confirm you attendance at the sprint Canberra training camp through this form.

Squads lists are found in the link below:

OA National Squads 2016 (December, 2015)

Lance Read
Orienteering Australia Director of High Performance

Amended JWOC Selection Criteria

It has been brought to our attention that the Previous JWOC criteria were released with insufficient lead time to meet legal requirements. To meet these requirements, the JWOC selection criteria have been reviewed and amended. The previous JWOC selection criteria are superseded by the attached criteria that provide for 3 selection rounds as agreed at the recent 2015 OA Conference. Athletes will note that the previous 2015 Australian Championship events are no longer selection races. The selection races and selection criteria are outlined in the following attachment and will be used to select the 2016 Australian JWOC team. Athletes who have previously nominated will be considered for selection under the selection criteria below. If you wish to apply for JWOC selection and are not a member of a Australian High Performance Squad you will need to also apply to become a squad member.

Under these revised Selection Criteria for JWOC 2016 to be held in Engadin, Switzerland 9th- 15th July will be selected.

JWOC 2016 Selection Criteria

All National Squad members who are eligible to nominate have been sent an email from the Athlete Management Platform (AMP). Online nomination

JWOC 2016 Athlete Nomination Form  (Note JWOC Nominations extended to 20th of January for those who have not previously applied)

A link is also available on AMP under Resources: Selection Criteria. Nomination must be received by the 10th January 2016. Athletes who have previously applied are not required to resubmit an application.

All interested Athletes and their coaches and parents are requested to read through the Selection Criteria as there are significant changes from previous years.

To apply to become a member of a national squad please see here.

Lance Read
OA Director High Performance

High Performance News December

OA High Performance News

December 2015

  1. National Squads 2016– thank you to all those athletes who have completed the nomination forms and have taken the time to provide event analysis of your 2015 performances. This information will certainly provide the coaches with much valuable information on you the athletes. This process of squad membership is a continuous one so it is still possible to make a nomination. Online form



Selectors will be announcing the OA National High Performance Squads early next week.

Reminder that squad membership requires each athlete to submit the following

  • Training plans– Oct- Dec 2015 and Jan-March 2016
  • Competition Plans 2016
  • 3km time trial by end of 2015

These are to be sent to me using AMP and please place the Training Plans into Resources- Training Plans and the Competition Plans into Resources-Competition Plans. Thank you to all those who have already done this.

  1. Sprint Canberra– to all those athletes who indicated on the Squad Nomination form that they are attending the Sprint Training Camp Jan 22nd-26th, the following information will help your planning.

The camp will start on Friday 22nd at the AIS (6:00pm) and will conclude with the final event of Sprint Canberra on Tuesday 26th (12:00). All accommodation (full board) will be at the AIS. The cost of the accommodation will be subsidized by both OA funding for National Squads and also any money made from the Sprint Canberra events. Athletes will be responsible for their own travel expenses. I encourage you to approach both your State association and club to help you with your travel expenses. Any help I can be with this just ask.

There will be 5 sprint events that you will compete in during the camp. These events are on Eventor




We require all athletes who are attending the training camp to enter themselves in all these events and pay your entry fee. This will then be deducted from your camp expenses after the events. We are hoping to attract a large number of other orienteers to these events so please spread the word as much as possible. Especially invite your coach to attend.

I will set up an online registration form for the training camp so that you can confirm your attendance and your travel details.


  1. IOF Athletes Licence.

For all those athletes who represent Australia at the World Orienteering Championships and World Cup events during 2016 you will need to obtain an IOF Athletes Licence. See the link


The cost of the licence which will be valid for one year will be 30EUR.


Nick Dent

OA Head Coach