Sprint Canberra
23rd-26th January 2016
Sprint Canberra will be held in conjunction with an Orienteering Australia High Performance Sprint Training Camp based at the AIS. There will be more than 40 athletes from all over Australia who are members of one of the National HP Squads attending this camp from Friday 222nd Jan- Tues 26th Jan.
Sprint Canberra will involve five sprint events to be held over four days. All events are close to the AIS.
Four of the events will be held on urban sprint maps and one will be held at Stromlo Forest Park which is a bush map, with fast running and some intricate erosion detail.
The course setters for these events brings the JWOC 2007 course setters back together. Dave Meyer (JWOC 2007 Sprint) will be setting Event 1 at the Canberra Institute of Technology, David Shepherd (JWOC 2007 Middle) will be setting Event 3 at Stromlo Forest Park (this will be a Sprint Relay for the Elites classes), Phoebe Dent (JWOC 2007 Relay) will be the setter for Event 4 at Australian National University (North) and Julian Dent (JWOC 2007 Long) will set the final event at Australian National University (South). The other event will be at Radford College and the course setters will be the aspiring JWOC candidates Oliver Mill and Ciaran Lane.
We will have some of Australia’s best senior elites and junior elites competing over these five events with some quality overseas competition from the visiting coaches who are currently living in Australia.
The Sprint Training Camp will be attended by over 40 athletes from all states. As well as gaining valuable competition experience they will have sessions during the camp which focus specifically on the techniques and skills required in sprint orienteering. It is a great opportunity for the older elites to work with our younger elites and to share their knowledge and experiences with the next generation of Australia’s senior elite orienteers. The camp will provide the coaches of the National Squads with the opportunity to not only work with the athletes they will be able to assess the training plans that all squad members have and to assess their level of fitness as they start their preparations for the major events which start in early March with the Melbourne Sprint Weekend.
Financial Support for National Squads Training Camp.
Recently the AIS announced that all Whole of Sport Funding for Orienteering Australia will cease. As a result the funding that Orienteering Australia has allocated to the High Performance program has ceased. However, as we want to continue with the High Performance program which provides the opportunity for junior and senior elite orienteers to be part of the National Squad program and to then develop and go on to represent their country in international competitions such as WOC, JWOC, World University Orienteering Championships and also Bushrangers Teams (senior and junior), we are offering the opportunity for orienteers to donate money towards the funding of Orienteering Australia’s High Performance program.
This donation arrangement is in conjunction with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF). For the Sprint Training Camp donations can be made via Eventor.
Individuals, clubs, State Associations and businesses who want to support the athletes attending the Sprint Training Camp financially can choose to donate either $20, $50 or $100.
The names and the amount are then passed on to the ASF and they issue an invoice which allows donors to use as a tax deductible status to claim tax relief for any donation of $2 or more.
SI Air comes to Australia.
The events during Sprint Canberra will be using the SI Air contactless punching system for the first time in Australia (elite classes only). This will be a great opportunity to demonstrate this new punching system which has been approved by the IOF and is now being used in all major sprint races overseas. The equipment for this trial is being provided by AussieO Gear who is the SportI dent representative in Australia
As well we will have live result, video and audio feed to the internet. This service will be courtesy of Living It Live, the business that Toph Naunton has set up and has been used at major events in Australia during the last two years.
Event 1. Sat 23rd 17:00 Canberra Institute of Technology – Dave Meyer
Event 2. Sun 24th 17:00 Radford College -Oliver Mill and Ciaran Lane
Event 3. Mon 25th 9:00 Stromlo Forest Park – David Shepherd
Event 4. Mon 25th 17:00 Australian National University (North) – Phoebe Dent
Event 5. Tues 26th 9:30 Australian National University (South) – Julian Dent
Course 1: Men/Women Elite
Course 2: Men/Women Open
Course 3: Men/Women Short
Course 4: Men/Women Novice
Entry fees– all five events $60, under 16 $30
Individual Event entry -$15, under 16 $8
Enter on Day – Course 2 and 4
Enter online at
Enquiries: Nick Dent 0428251786, Ron Pallas 0424720165