OA High Performance News December 2014
- JWOC Selection Criteria have been available for a while and nominations must be made to Chair of the Junior Selection Panel, Jan Hardy janhardy@iprimus.com.au by 31st December 2014.
OA website link
The selectors would like to make the following announcement
“Henry McNulty, currently living and training in Sweden, has been provisionally pre-selected for the 2015 JWOC team, subject to demonstration of appropriate fitness levels and competition and time-trial performance in the months leading up to the JWOC races.”
- OA Squads 2015
For all those athletes who have been members of one of the four OA Squads during 2014, we are asking you to re nominate for the Squads for 2015.
This can be done using the nomination form for Current Squad Members. The online link to this has been sent to all athletes via AMP.
This process will involve the nomination by the athlete, followed by the selectors making a judgement about the athlete’s performances during 2014 in achieving the necessary benchmarks for the squad. Based on this performance analysis the athletes will then be allocated to the appropriate squad.
For any athlete who has not been a member of a squad in 2014, you are invited to apply for squad membership by using the nomination form for New Squad Members. The link to the online form is
Reminder that a pre requisite for selection in any Australian Orienteering team (WOC, JWOC, World Cup, Bushrangers) is membership of a OA Squad in 2015.
- New Squad 2015– In January 2015 we will be inviting targeted junior athletes to become members of the Targeted Talented Athlete Squad (TTAS). We have identified talented orienteers in the 15, 16 and 17 years ages based on benchmark performances during 2014. This squad will be coached by Russell Blatchford, NSW. Russell has had many years of coaching experience and has worked with the NSW Junior Squad and Schools team for the last seven years. He is a school teacher (PD/H/PE) and will bring a broad knowledge and understanding of the needs of athletes in this targeted age group. This squad will provide a link for athletes between the state squad they are currently a member of and the other OA Squads. We are very conscious of the need to provide guidance and advice at this important age so that athletes can progress through the HP Pathway (FTEM) from T2- Talent Verification to T3- Practising and Achieving to T4-Breakthrough and Reward.
Targeted Talented Athlete Coach 2015 -
- National Orienteering League 2015 and Draft HP Calendar 2016.
The 2015 National Orienteering League will consist of 5 rounds of events and like 2014 will include a sprint weekend to be held in Sydney, http://onsw.asn.au/sydneysprintweekend middle and long distance events in Canberra in late May, and the increasingly popular Ultra Long in Ballarat in late August. The other two rounds will be the Easter events in SA and the Australian Championships in Ballarat. The other significant planning for 2015 is the training camp for all squads in NZ from 25th-29th May to be followed by the Aus-NZ test for both junior and senior Bushranger teams.
Round | Event | Date | Format | Location/Map |
1 | 1 | Sat 7th March | Sprint Relay | University of Sydney, Sydney. |
2 | Sat 7th March | Sprint Qualification | Sir Joseph Banks Park, Sydney | |
3 | Sun 8th March | Sprint Final (WRE) | University of NSW, Sydney | |
2 | 4 | Fri 3rd April | Elite Prologue (WRE) | Jamestown, SA |
5 | Sat 4th April | Easter Day 1 Middle distance(WRE) | Northern Meridee-Southern Bri Glen, SA | |
6 | Sun 5th April | Easter Day 2 Long distance | Tundarri-Northern Bri Glen, SA | |
7 | Mon 6th April | Easter Day 3 Relay distance | Mulga Valley Jamestown SA | |
3 | 8 | Sat 23rd May | Middle distance AUS v NZ | “Sandhills North” Canberra |
9 | Sun 24th May | Long distance AUS v NZ | “Sandhills South” Canberra | |
4 | 10 | Sat 29th Aug | Sprint Distance-heats/final | Ballarat Grammar/Black Hill, Ballarat |
11 | Sun30th Aug | Ultra Long | Ballarat | |
5 | 12 | Sat 26th Sept | Victorian Long Distance | Ballarat |
13 | Sun 27th Sept | Aus Champs- Middle (WRE) | Ballarat | |
14 | Fri 2nd Oct | Aus Champs- Sprint (WRE) | Ballarat | |
15 | Sat 3rd Oct | Aus Champs- Long (WRE) | Ballarat | |
16 | Sun 4th Oct | Aus Champs- Relay | Ballarat |
** Squads training camp- 25th-29th May, Auckland, NZ
** Aus- NZ Test 30th May-1st June (Senior and Junior Bushrangers)
HP Calendar 2016 including NOL events
Draft Program
January- Squads Training Camp, Canberra/Ballarat
Sprint Weekend- Melbourne – late February
Easter 3 Days 25th-28th March, ACT
Training camp- post Easter, Canberra.
Anzac Long weekend- Ultra Long, Flinders Ranges, SA. 23rd, 24th, 25th April
Middle and Long Distance NOL St Helens, Tasmania. 28th-29th May.
Aus-NZ test, NZ. 4th, 5th, 6th June.
JWOC – Switzerland. 9th-15th July.
WUOC, Hungary. Date ??
WOC Sweden. 20th-28th August.
Australian Champs carnival 24th Sept-2nd Oct, Queensland
Nick Dent