OA High Performance News December 2014

OA High Performance News December 2014

  1. JWOC Selection Criteria have been available for a while and nominations must be made to Chair of the Junior Selection Panel, Jan Hardy janhardy@iprimus.com.au  by 31st December 2014.

OA website link


The selectors would like to make the following announcement

“Henry McNulty, currently living and training in Sweden, has been provisionally pre-selected for the 2015 JWOC team, subject to demonstration of appropriate fitness levels and competition and time-trial performance in the months leading up to the JWOC races.”

  1. OA Squads 2015

For all those athletes who have been members of one of the four OA Squads during 2014, we are asking you to re nominate for the Squads for 2015.

This can be done using the nomination form for Current Squad Members. The online link to this has been sent to all athletes via AMP.


This process will involve the nomination by the athlete, followed by the selectors making a judgement about the athlete’s performances during 2014 in achieving the necessary benchmarks for the squad. Based on this performance analysis the athletes will then be allocated to the appropriate squad.

For any athlete who has not been a member of a squad in 2014, you are invited to apply for squad membership by using the nomination form for New Squad Members. The link to the online form is


Reminder that a pre requisite for selection in any Australian Orienteering team (WOC, JWOC, World Cup, Bushrangers) is membership of a OA Squad in 2015.


  1. New Squad 2015– In January 2015 we will be inviting targeted junior athletes to become members of the Targeted Talented Athlete Squad (TTAS). We have identified talented orienteers in the 15, 16 and 17 years ages based on benchmark performances during 2014. This squad will be coached by Russell Blatchford, NSW. Russell has had many years of coaching experience and has worked with the NSW Junior Squad and Schools team for the last seven years. He is a school teacher (PD/H/PE) and will bring a broad knowledge and understanding of the needs of athletes in this targeted age group. This squad will provide a link for athletes between the state squad they are currently a member of and the other OA Squads. We are very conscious of the need to provide guidance and advice at this important age so that athletes can progress through the HP Pathway (FTEM) from T2- Talent Verification to T3- Practising and Achieving to T4-Breakthrough and Reward.
    Targeted Talented Athlete Coach 2015
    Targeted Talented Athlete Coach 2015


    1. National Orienteering League 2015 and Draft HP Calendar 2016.

The 2015 National Orienteering League will consist of 5 rounds of events and like 2014 will include a sprint weekend to be held in Sydney, http://onsw.asn.au/sydneysprintweekend  middle and long distance events in Canberra in late May, and the increasingly popular Ultra Long in Ballarat in late August. The other two rounds will be the Easter events in SA and the Australian Championships in Ballarat. The other significant planning for 2015 is the training camp for all squads in NZ from 25th-29th May to be followed by the Aus-NZ test for both junior and senior Bushranger teams.




Round Event Date Format Location/Map
1 1 Sat 7th March Sprint Relay University of Sydney, Sydney.
2 Sat 7th March Sprint Qualification Sir Joseph Banks Park, Sydney
3 Sun 8th March Sprint Final (WRE) University of NSW, Sydney
4 Fri 3rd April Elite Prologue (WRE) Jamestown, SA
5 Sat 4th April Easter Day 1 Middle distance(WRE) Northern Meridee-Southern Bri Glen, SA
6 Sun 5th April Easter Day 2 Long distance Tundarri-Northern Bri Glen,   SA
7 Mon 6th April Easter Day 3 Relay distance Mulga Valley  Jamestown   SA
3 8 Sat 23rd May Middle distance   AUS v NZ “Sandhills North”  Canberra
9 Sun 24th May Long distance    AUS v NZ “Sandhills South” Canberra
4 10 Sat 29th Aug Sprint Distance-heats/final Ballarat Grammar/Black Hill, Ballarat
11 Sun30th Aug Ultra Long Ballarat
5 12 Sat 26th Sept Victorian Long Distance Ballarat
13 Sun 27th Sept Aus Champs- Middle (WRE) Ballarat
14 Fri 2nd Oct Aus Champs- Sprint (WRE) Ballarat
15 Sat 3rd Oct Aus Champs- Long (WRE) Ballarat
16 Sun 4th Oct Aus Champs- Relay Ballarat

** Squads training camp- 25th-29th May, Auckland, NZ

** Aus- NZ Test 30th May-1st June (Senior and Junior Bushrangers)


HP Calendar 2016 including NOL events

Draft Program

January- Squads Training Camp, Canberra/Ballarat

Sprint Weekend- Melbourne – late February

Easter 3 Days 25th-28th March, ACT

Training camp- post Easter, Canberra.

Anzac Long weekend- Ultra Long, Flinders Ranges, SA. 23rd, 24th, 25th April

Middle and Long Distance NOL St Helens, Tasmania. 28th-29th May.

Aus-NZ test, NZ. 4th, 5th, 6th June.

JWOC – Switzerland. 9th-15th July.

WUOC, Hungary. Date ??

WOC Sweden. 20th-28th August.

Australian Champs carnival 24th Sept-2nd Oct, Queensland


Nick Dent






Jim Russell- OA National Development Squad Coach

Orienteering Australia is pleased to announce that Jim Russell has been appointed as as a HP Coach of the National Development Squad (NDS) for the next two years. Jim brings with him many years of experience both as a competitor at the highest level and also as a coach of both Australian and NZ WOC and JWOC teams. Jim will be working with the already existing HP Coaching group- Nick Dent, Tom Quayle, Wendy Read and Hanny Allston to further develop the new squad structure in line with the FTEM Pathways.

Here is a brief biography of Jim’s experience as a competitor and a coach:

Jim started coaching Australian teams in 1996, JWOC, Romania through to 1999, JWOC, Bulgaria, where  we achieved Australia’s first medal(Troy de Haas,Bronze, Long). Then he became a bit of a mercenary, selling out to NZ, where he coached their JWOC teams in 2001, 2002. Jim was the Australian WOC Coach in 2004 and 2005. He was called in to coach the Australian JWOC team with Hanny Allston (current JWOC coach) in Dubbo 2007, then he was the coach of the NZ  WOC team in 2008 and the NZ JWOC team in 2013.

As an athlete, he started orienteering in 1980, after becoming slightly disillusioned with cross country running, as most of the comps were on bitumen roads. He has not given up cross country running, and still does it, he just has a preference for orienteering. Also he became a Athletics Australia Coach, in 2008. As an orienteer he won M20 Australian Champs at Korweinguboora 1981 and M21 at Cantara Dunes 1994, and also 1994 NOL. As a veteran, he came third at WMOC Lithuania, M35 in 2001. He represented Australia at WOC, 1991 and 1995, after missing out on the team in 1985, where WOC was in his home town of Bendigo. He really enjoys relays, where he has been involved with 9 wins in M21A.

He is really looking forward to this opportunity to coach an Australian squad, where he hopes he and the squad, can achieve their aims.


Nick Dent

Sept 2014

Australian Team- World Cup 2015 Round 1 Tasmania.

Orienteering Australia has announced the team to compete in the World Cup races in Tasmania in January.

Australia is entitled to have a maximum of 10 runners in each discipline (men and women). A full team has been selected.


WOMEN WOMEN Sprint Middle Long
Hanny Allston Y Y Y
Bridget Anderson Y Y Y
Grace Crane Y Y Y
Rachel Effeney Y N/A N/A
Belinda Lawford Res Res Res
Heather Muir Y
Krystal Neumann Y Y Y
Laurina Neumann Y Y Y
Jasmine Neve Y Y Y
Aislinn Prendergast Y Y Y
Kathryn Preston Y Y Y
Vanessa Round N/A Y Y
Anna Sheldon .. Y Y
MEN MEN Sprint Middle Long
Bruce Arthur Res
Julian Dent Y Y Y
Lachlan Dow Y Y Y
Matt Doyle Y Y Y
Mark Gregson Y Res Res
Bryan Keely Y Y Y
Ian Lawford Y Y Y
Oscar McNulty Y Y Y
Brodie Nankervis Y Y Y
Rob Preston N/A Y Y
David Shepherd Y Y Y
Simon Uppill Y Y Y

Coaches: Tom Quayle, Wendy Read

Manager: Nick Dent

N/A- not available

Res- reserve for that discipline

The World Cup races will be part of the Oceania Carnival. The races are:

Sprint Distance Qualification– Friday 2nd Jan “Cataract Gorge”

Sprint Distance Final– Saturday 3rd Jan “University Tasmania-Launceston”

Middle Distance– Thursday 8th Jan “Coles Bay”

Long Distance – Saturday 10th Jan “Transit Flat” west of St Helens

The middle and long distance events will also be the Oceania Championships 2015 and will enable the best placed runner from Australia or New Zealand to earn a spot in that discipline at the World Championships in Scotland in August.


Nick Dent

Elite Winners Photos-Australian Championships 2014

At the Australian Championships held last weekend in the W21E class the convincing winner was Lizzie Ingham (NZ) a resident of Canberra studying at ANU in a time of 70:34 for the 10.6km course. This victory gave Lizzie her first victory in the Australian Long Distance Championships, something she has wanted to achieve for a number of years. Second place went to Laura Robertson also from NZ 8:21 behind, and Aislinn Prendergast was the best Australian in third place 14:49 behind the winning time.

W21E Placegetters- Lizzie Ingham 1st, Laura Robertson 2nd, Aislinn Prendergast 3rd.
W21E Placegetters- Lizzie Ingham 1st, Laura Robertson 2nd, Aislinn Prendergast 3rd.

In the M21E class the winner was one of the visiting Danish orienteers Thor Norskov in a time of 87:00 for the 15.7km course. Thor represented Denmark at JWOC this year and he finished 7th in the Long Distance event. Ian Lawford who won the Middle Distance Championships the weekend before was second 4:29 behind Thor, with Tim Robertson the JWOC winner 2014 from NZ in third place 19 seconds behind Ian.

M21E placegetters: Thor Norskov 1st, Ian Lawford 2nd, Tim Robertson 3rd.
M21E placegetters: Thor Norskov 1st, Ian Lawford 2nd, Tim Robertson 3rd.

In the M20E class Matt Doyle continued his good form from during the week to win in a time of 65:02 for the 10.6km course, with his JWOC team mate Oscar McNulty in second 1:49 behind, and Matt Goodall form NZ in third place 41 seconds behind Oscar.

M20E placegetters: Matt Doyle 1st, Oscar McNulty 2nd, Matt Goodall 3rd.
M20E placegetters: Matt Doyle 1st, Oscar McNulty 2nd, Matt Goodall 3rd.

In the W20E class Lanita Steer had a convincing victory in a time of 66:06 for the 7.9km course, Anna Dowling was second 4:16 behind and Vida Fox NZ was third.

W20E Placegetters: Lanita Steer 1st, Anna Dowling 2nd, Vida Fox 3rd.
W20E placegetters: Lanita Steer 1st, Anna Dowling 2nd, Vida Fox 3rd.
Australian Long Distance Championship Map 2014
Australian Long Distance Championship Map 2014


M21 Relay Map and Course with Splits.
M21 Relay Map and Course with Splits.

Three past Australian WOC representatives filled the first three places in the M55 class.

M55 placegetters: Rob  Vincent 3rd, Warren Key 1st, Geoff Lawford  2nd.
M55 placegetters: Rob Vincent 3rd, Warren Key 1st, Geoff Lawford 2nd.

NOL Junior Individual Winners 2014

Michele Dawson and Matt Doyle.
Michele Dawson and Matt Doyle.

Photos: John Harding

Nick Dent

National Orienteering League 2014- Final Standings

After today’s Australian Relay Championships the final standings for the team point score have been finalised in each of the four classes.

In the M21 team points the Canberra Cockatoos retained their lead throughout most of the season to finish first with 117 points. Second were the Victorian Nuggets (109) and third NSW Stingers (89). In the W21 class the Victorian Nuggets overtook the Canberra Cockatoos to have a close win (106), with only one point separating the next two states- Queensland Cyclones on 102 finished second and the Canberra Cockatoos who did not have a relay team today on 101 in third.

The senior men individual NOL the winner wasSimoin Uppill(SA) on 220 points, Ian Lawford(CC) making a late run with good results finished second on 201, and David Shepherd(CC) was third on 193 points. In the senior women individual NOL the winner was Hanny Allston(TAS)-228, and Lizzie Ingham(CC) making a late run with victories in the Australian Championships just finishing second-195, with Jasmine Neve (Vic)-104, in third.

In the M20  team points the Tasmanian Forresters were in first place , with Victorian Nuggets in second and the NSW Stingers in third. In the W20 class Tasmanian Forresters were first after there victory in the relay today, NSW Stingers in second and Victorian Nuggets in third.

The junior men individual NOL winner was Matt Doyle (Vic) with clear lead from Oscar McNulty(WA)in second and Brodie Nankervis (TAS) a close third. In the junior women individual NOL Michele Dawson (NSW) was able to hold of the challenge from Anna Dowling (TAS) to win by one point, with NIcola Blatchford (NSW) in third place.

Complete NOL points available here

2014 National League final standings – junior

2014 National League final standings- senior

The M21 and W21 relays today were an international affair with the Denmark trio (Jakob Edsen, Eskil Schoning and Thor Norskov) winning the M21, wearing their new Australian shirts, and the W21 winners were the NZ team (Laura Robertson, Alice Tilley and Lizzie Ingham).


International Victories in Australian Championships

At the Australian Long Distance Championships held today at Warranine Brook east of Perth in WA there was an international result in the M21E and W21E classes. In fast open terrain with many granite rocky outcrops and also many clearings, fast running was the feature of the day. Thor Norskov (7th place in Long at JWOC 2014) from Denmark who is still a junior won the M21E class in a time of 87:00 for the 15.7km course. He was 4:24 seconds in front of the Australian Ian Lawford continued his impressive form to be the best Australian. Tim Robertson (JWOC winner 2014) from New Zealand was 19 seconds behind in third place. In W21E class Lizzie Ingham certainly put the disappointment from the Ultra Long out of her mind to win by 8:21seconds in a time of 70:34 for the 10.6km course, with her compatriot Laura Robertson in second. The best Australian was Aislinn Prendergast in third in a time of 85:23.

W21E Placegetters-Lizzie Ingham 1st, Laura Robertson 2nd, Aislinn  Prendergast 3rd
W21E Placegetters-Lizzie Ingham 1st, Laura Robertson 2nd, Aislinn Prendergast 3rd

In the M20E class Australia had a small victory over our New Zealand visitors with Matt Doyle winning in a time of 65:02 for the 10.6km course and Oscar McNulty finishing second 1:49 down and Matt Goodall from NZ third 2:30 down. Matt Doyle has had a good carnival winning the Australian Middle Distance Championships last weekend and also the Senior Boys class in the Australian School Championships. In the W20E class Lanita Steer returned to good form winning by 4:16 seconds in a time of 66:06 for the 7.9km course. Anna Dowling was second in a time of 70:22 and Vida Fox from NZ was third.

M20E Placegetters- Matt Doyle 1st, Oscar McNulty 2nd, Matt Goodall 3rd.
M20E Placegetters- Matt Doyle 1st, Oscar McNulty 2nd, Matt Goodall 3rd.

The individual NOL point score Simon Uppill who finished 4th today was the winner in M21E. Hanny Allston who did not compete today due to injury had a big enough lead going in to today’s event and is the winner of the W21E point score. In the junior classes Matt Doyle who was the leader before today’s event increased his lead to win the M20E point score and in W20E Michele Dawson just managed to hold of Anna Dowling to win this point score.

Tomorrow sees the final NOL event of the year with the Australian Relays on a map very close to today’s area. The teams point score of the NOL will be decided tomorrow with some close finishes expected in both the senior women’s class with both Victoria and Queensland with the chance to overtake the Canberra Cockatoos and a close battle in the junior women’s class between Tasmania and NSW. The Canberra Cockatoos should be comfortable winners in the men’s senior class, with Tasmania expected to win the men’s junior class.




Photos:Roch Prendergast


Nick Dent

National Orienteering League Final Rounds

Final National Orienteering League Rounds

The Australian Long Distance Championship event this Saturday will see the conclusion of the individual NOL pointscore. The Australian Relay Championships on Sunday will see the teams section finalized.

In the M21 Simon Uppill 219 (SA) has a comfortable lead over David Shepherd 189 (ACT). However as David Shepherd will not be competing this may enable Ian Lawford 187 (ACT) to move into second depending on his result in the Long Distance. In W21 Hanny Allston 228 (TAS) has a big enough lead to ensure a win even though she will not be competing due to an injury. Lizzie Ingham 162 (ACT) who is making a late move up the points table is likely to move into the top three as she is one of the favourites in the Long Distance.

In the M20 Matt Doyle 177 (Vic) has a comfortable lead over Brodie Nankervis 159 (TAS). However, as Brodie is running in M21E in the long distance this gives the opportunity for Oscar McNulty 156 (WA) to move into second place. In W20 there is a very close three way challenge between Michele Dawson 168 (NSW), Anna Dowling 162 (TAS) and Nicola Blatchford 159 (NSW). The outcome in this class will be determined by their results on Saturday.

In the team’s pointscore to be finalized on Sunday after the Australian Relays in M21 the Canberra Cockatoos have comfortable lead over the Victorian Nuggets. In W21 there may be an interesting conclusion to the teams pointscore as the current leaders the Canberra Cockatoos do not have a team in the relay, giving the Victorian Nuggets the opportunity to move into the lead. Also Queensland Cyclones are only 6 points behind so they can move into the lead also with some good results over the weekend.

In M20 Tasmanian Forresters have a clear lead and with a strong relay team of Brodie and Ashley Nankervis and Jarrah Day should hold onto this lead. However, in the W20 the overall result will be decided between NSW Stingers and the Tasmanian Forresters as they are currently 2 points apart and both have strong relay teams.

Nick Dent

Follow World Championships live via IOF LiveCenter

The IOF would like to remind everyone of the LiveCenter service that the IOF has set up. You can follow live GPS tracking, web streaming and arena speaker voice from the World Orienteering Championships here: livecenter.orienteering.org

This is the only way GPS tracking is shown from Italy. To guarantee that you can see the GPS tracking from the start, please buy your week pass in advance. You can buy the tickets here: http://shop.orienteering.org/

Tickets are valid either for one event (eg. middle distance competition), or for the whole week.

All past IOF events that are in Livecenter are freely available.

The address of the LiveCenter is: http://livecenter.orienteering.org/ Any feedback may be sent to livecenter@orienteering.org.