OA National Manager Coaching Development Announced

Orienteering Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Newcastle Orienteering Club member Russell Blatchford as the new National Manager, Coaching Development. Russell joins the OA High Performance team with a wealth of orienteering knowledge and extensive professional experience.


Before retiring in 2018 Russell was a secondary PDHPE Teacher for 36 years, during which time he had the roles of Head Teacher, PDHPE for 19 years and Head Teacher, Teaching and Learning for 2 years at Hunter River HS.

As many orienteers in NSW will already know, as its Assistant Manager and Coach, Russell was a part of the NSW Schools Team and Development squad management for 6 years from 2007. Along the way Russell also achieved his Level 2 Orienteering Coaching accreditation.
In his role as Manager, Coaching Development Russell’s core responsibilities will be:

  • The national coaching development program and standards
  • Coach accreditation and re-accreditation
  • Coach and athlete development materials and curricula, and
  • Monitoring and development of the coach and athlete pathways in collaboration with the Head Coach.

As Manager, Coaching Development, Russell will join High Performance Director, Steve Craig, Head Coach, Jim Russell, High Performance Administrator, Ian Prosser, and Manager, Coaching & Officiating Administration, Jim Mackay as part of the High Performance Group.
Russell can be contacted via coaching@orienteering.asn.au

Applications sought: Australian MTBO Team Coach & Team Manager

Australian MTBO Team Coach & Team Manager positions for the 2020 World Championships team to the Czech Republic are sought.

Both officials will need to be overseas for about 2 weeks, approx. from 9-23 August, to allow for a training period before WOC.

The coach will conduct at least one training camp within Australia;  organise the 7 day pre-Championship training camp overseas and lead the team during the Championship week..

The position is voluntary in its nature.

However at least ¾  of the overseas flight costs to and from WOC and all expenses and on the ground costs there will be met, except for meals.

Some funding is available to support squad & team activities and coach expenses within Australia.

More details about this position: 2020 WOC MTBO Coach Position

The main roles of the manager are to:

-Co-ordinate the day to day arrangements of the Australian team (WMTBOC & JMTBOC team members) whilst they are overseas, both at the pre-champs training camp and at WMTBOC itself.

This specifically involves food, accommodation and travel needs.

-Manage the team budget on a daily basis and maintain financial records of items spent whilst overseas.                                                                                           All expenses for the 2 weeks in Czech Republic will be met.

More details about this position:    2020 WOC Manager Position

Applications due: December 13th.

Further information:   Kay Haarsma  kayhaarsma@hotmail.com      0403 565 534



Orienteering Australia Vacancy: National Manager of Coaching Development

Applications are sought for key position within High Performance and Coaching

Orienteering Australia (OA) is seeking a passionate leader to facilitate the development of orienteering coaching nationally. The successful candidate will be appointed initially for a one year term, with the role to be reviewed (subject to available funding) and extended if possible for an additional one year term.

The National Manager of Coaching Development will focus on securing a coaching development strategy between clubs, states and OA to enhance the number and quality of coaches, support athlete improvement at all levels, and raise the quality of coaching activities. This forms an important part of OA’s objective of strengthening coaching availability as part of giving all orienteers, regardless of their current level in the sport, the opportunity to improve their performance to the best of their ability.

This role formally reports to the Director (High Performance) and is a part of the High Performance Management Group (HPMG) together with the Head Coach, Administrator of Coaching Development and High Performance Administrator.

The core responsibilities of the position are:

  • The national coaching development program and standards
  • Coach accreditation and re-accreditation
  • Coach and athlete development materials and curricula, and
  • Monitoring and development of the coach and athlete pathways in collaboration with the Head Coach.

Further details are outlined in the position description available here.

There may be scope, if mutually agreed, for this role to take on additionally funded project work. Formal coaching qualifications and experience in coaching will be a significant advantage.

It is anticipated that the dates for the initial one-year term for the position will be from 1st February 2020 until 31st January 2021.

Remuneration: $35/hr, 6.5hrs per week on a casual, part time basis (based on 48 weeks) , plus the superannuation contribution guarantee of 9.5% (SGC), and reimbursement of reasonable work related expenses.

Applicants are requested to outline experience and aspirations for the role on no more than two A4 pages and forward to the Orienteering Australia Executive Officer at eo@orienteering.asn.au

Applications close: Thursday 12th December.



High Performance Group (HPG) Updates

  1. OA Confirms Head Coach and High Performance Administrator Roles extension until 2020

At its recent board meeting OA Directors discussed and agreed to extend the terms of the OA Head Coach, Jim Russell, and High Performance Administrator, Ian Prosser, until 2020.

Extending the current terms will allow the current staff to hand over the responsibilities to new appointees after the completion of JWOC, WOC, and preparations for the Australian Championships week in 2020. Since planning for 2021 will start well before the end of 2020, OA’s plan is to commence the Head Coach recruitment in the first half of 2020 and aim for a smooth handover.

      2.Changes to current National Orienteering League flagged

Following on from the recent HPG survey (results summary here) it has been decided to introduce a shorter NOL season from 2020. Next year’s NOL will end with the ACT round in May. Where feasible, other enhancements highlighted in the survey results will be encouraged in collaboration with the NOL organisers and state teams. From the survey results some common themes evolved such as more exciting races, increase the team element of the NOL, reduced costs of participation, and a better pathway for younger orienteers.

      3. OA HPG and Coaching Committee meeting at Oceania

Orienteering Australia has now formally constituted a High Performance and Coaching Committee. Each state is invited to appoint two delegates to the committee (as foreshadowed in an earlier email to the States) and the national athlete representative is invited as well. The terms of reference for the committee are attached.

The first official meeting of the committee will be held at the Oceania Sprint Champs on Saturday 28th September as soon as the presentation ceremony concludes. Details are in the attached draft agenda. Also attached are the earlier circulated notes from the interim meeting held in April.

OA Head Coach Decision Postponed

With the 1st two National League events looming next weekend, processes already underway for athletes competing in the first two rounds, and after giving consideration to not causing any disruption to athletes who are now in preparation, OA has decided not to continue with the Head Coach selection process at this time until after this year’s WOC in Norway (12th ~ 17th August). By delaying the decision Orienteering Australia hopes to avoid possible confusion and instability for the season ahead.

Orienteering Australia will re-commence the selection process after the World Champs with the intention of making an announcement at the Oceania Championships in October.

As a result of the postponement the current period of existing Head Coach Jim Russell will be extended until this year’s World Championships have concluded.

Any enquiries on this matter should be addressed to the Orienteering Australia Executive Officer.

Coaching positions available in 2018

To all the coaches out there, Orienteering Australia is looking for you to take up a position coaching a team or squad in 2019

All of these positions are available, please consider

Our 2 main positions are
OA Headcoach/Senior Squad coach (has 1st choice of being WOC Coach)
Junior Squad coach (has 1st choice of being JWOC Coach)

These 2 coaches are assisted by
National Development Squad Coach
Targetted Talent Athlete Co-Ordinator

There are a number of squad tours this year, where we need a Coach and a Manager
1 – 3rd June, NZ tour Coach, and Manager
6 – 12th July, JWOC Coach, and Manager
12 – 17th Aug, WOC Coach, and Manager

We are also looking at attending a couple of other competitions
27 – 30th June, EYOC Coach/Manager
20 – 25th Aug, Asian Youth Champs, Coach/Manager
25 – 29th Oct, World Cup 4, Coach/Manager

Orienteering Australia would very much like to fill all of these positions. If you are interested/keen, please contact Jim Russell, (Current OA Head coach) on oaheadcoach@gmail.com before the Aus Champs Carnival, to arrange a time to meet up and discuss


JiM Russell 0411 125 178
14 Lawson St BENDIGO 3550
Orienteering Australia Head Coach

OA High Performance Vacancies; Head Coach, Administrator, Manager Coach Development.

Application Are Sought for High Performance Officer Positions

After 5 years of service to Orienteering Australia, Nick Dent is retiring as Head Coach and HP Administrator. Orienteering Australia thanks Nick for his outstanding service and is now seeking applicant/s to lead the National High Performance program. We are also seeking to fill a related role to assist the development of coaching. These positions will be appointed initially for a one year term only, to be reviewed (particularly in the light of available funding) and extended if possible for an additional one year term. There are 3 interrelated positions:

  1. Orienteering Australia Head Coach ($22,500 /annum)
  2.  Orienteering Australia High Performance Administrator ($12,300 /annum)
  3. Manager Coaching Development ($6,000 / annum)

More detailed position descriptions are available in the links above.

As an overview, the Orienteering Australia Head Coach has been restructured to enhance the effectiveness of the role. To strengthen the authority and effectiveness of the Head Coach (at the top of the structure) this position will include the role of being the coach of one of the traveling national teams. This is our preferred structure. The Head Coach will have first preference in being the coach of one of the travelling national teams; WOC, WUOC, Bushrangers or JWOC on the understanding that this role will be fulfilled in the traditional volunteer capacity.

Applications for these other national touring coach and manager positions; WOC, WUOC and JWOC for 2016 and 2017, will be called for in the coming months after the appointment of the Head Coach.

The Manager of Coaching Development role will focus on the development of coaches across national and state systems. To strengthen the capacity to achieve this, the Manager of Coach Development will not have an administrative or development role in the controlling and officiating area (as has traditionally been the case). The Manager of Coach Development will work closely with the National Coaching Committee and the OA National Sporting Schools Manager. There is scope, if mutually agreed, for this role to take on additionally funded project work; an update of the Level 1 Coach Manual and the development of club coaching resource material. This will be negotiated, if appropriate, after appointment to the Manager of Coaching Development role.

It is anticipated that the dates for the one-year term for all the positions will be from 31st of July 2016 to 31st of July 2017

Candidate/s for the advertised positions above may wish to apply for one or more positions and it may be desirable to consolidate positions depending on the skills, goals and experience of candidates. Applicants (or group applications) are requested to clearly outline the position/s applied for.

HOURLY RATE OF PAY: $34.50 plus the superannuation contribution guarantee of 9.5% (SGC) The quoted per annum amounts above are a total package of wages plus super.
i. Mileage incurred travelling on OA business will be reimbursed at a rate of 30 cents per km;
ii. Other personal expenses incurred on OA business (such as postage, phone calls, train and bus travel to meetings, and stationery) will be reimbursed on submission of records and receipts.

Applicants are requested to outlining experience and background on no more than 2 A4 pages and forward to John Harding at orienteering@netspeed.com.au

Applications close: 15th July 2016.