OA High Performance Vacancies; Head Coach, Administrator, Manager Coach Development.

Application Are Sought for High Performance Officer Positions

After 5 years of service to Orienteering Australia, Nick Dent is retiring as Head Coach and HP Administrator. Orienteering Australia thanks Nick for his outstanding service and is now seeking applicant/s to lead the National High Performance program. We are also seeking to fill a related role to assist the development of coaching. These positions will be appointed initially for a one year term only, to be reviewed (particularly in the light of available funding) and extended if possible for an additional one year term. There are 3 interrelated positions:

  1. Orienteering Australia Head Coach ($22,500 /annum)
  2.  Orienteering Australia High Performance Administrator ($12,300 /annum)
  3. Manager Coaching Development ($6,000 / annum)

More detailed position descriptions are available in the links above.

As an overview, the Orienteering Australia Head Coach has been restructured to enhance the effectiveness of the role. To strengthen the authority and effectiveness of the Head Coach (at the top of the structure) this position will include the role of being the coach of one of the traveling national teams. This is our preferred structure. The Head Coach will have first preference in being the coach of one of the travelling national teams; WOC, WUOC, Bushrangers or JWOC on the understanding that this role will be fulfilled in the traditional volunteer capacity.

Applications for these other national touring coach and manager positions; WOC, WUOC and JWOC for 2016 and 2017, will be called for in the coming months after the appointment of the Head Coach.

The Manager of Coaching Development role will focus on the development of coaches across national and state systems. To strengthen the capacity to achieve this, the Manager of Coach Development will not have an administrative or development role in the controlling and officiating area (as has traditionally been the case). The Manager of Coach Development will work closely with the National Coaching Committee and the OA National Sporting Schools Manager. There is scope, if mutually agreed, for this role to take on additionally funded project work; an update of the Level 1 Coach Manual and the development of club coaching resource material. This will be negotiated, if appropriate, after appointment to the Manager of Coaching Development role.

It is anticipated that the dates for the one-year term for all the positions will be from 31st of July 2016 to 31st of July 2017

Candidate/s for the advertised positions above may wish to apply for one or more positions and it may be desirable to consolidate positions depending on the skills, goals and experience of candidates. Applicants (or group applications) are requested to clearly outline the position/s applied for.

HOURLY RATE OF PAY: $34.50 plus the superannuation contribution guarantee of 9.5% (SGC) The quoted per annum amounts above are a total package of wages plus super.
i. Mileage incurred travelling on OA business will be reimbursed at a rate of 30 cents per km;
ii. Other personal expenses incurred on OA business (such as postage, phone calls, train and bus travel to meetings, and stationery) will be reimbursed on submission of records and receipts.

Applicants are requested to outlining experience and background on no more than 2 A4 pages and forward to John Harding at orienteering@netspeed.com.au

Applications close: 15th July 2016.