Orienteering Australia is pleased to announce the appointment of Newcastle Orienteering Club member Russell Blatchford as the new National Manager, Coaching Development. Russell joins the OA High Performance team with a wealth of orienteering knowledge and extensive professional experience.

Before retiring in 2018 Russell was a secondary PDHPE Teacher for 36 years, during which time he had the roles of Head Teacher, PDHPE for 19 years and Head Teacher, Teaching and Learning for 2 years at Hunter River HS.
As many orienteers in NSW will already know, as its Assistant Manager and Coach, Russell was a part of the NSW Schools Team and Development squad management for 6 years from 2007. Along the way Russell also achieved his Level 2 Orienteering Coaching accreditation.
In his role as Manager, Coaching Development Russell’s core responsibilities will be:
- The national coaching development program and standards
- Coach accreditation and re-accreditation
- Coach and athlete development materials and curricula, and
- Monitoring and development of the coach and athlete pathways in collaboration with the Head Coach.
As Manager, Coaching Development, Russell will join High Performance Director, Steve Craig, Head Coach, Jim Russell, High Performance Administrator, Ian Prosser, and Manager, Coaching & Officiating Administration, Jim Mackay as part of the High Performance Group.
Russell can be contacted via coaching@orienteering.asn.au