Australian WOC history updated

The Australian WOC results history has been updated. After WOC 2019, Simon Uppill has matched Natasha Key on 10 WOC appearances, and has set a new Australian record of 31 WOC events. (He also equalled his personal-best result with 30th in the middle). Patrick Jaffe and Mary Fleming made their debuts, Brodie Nankervis ran in his first individual final, and Bridget Anderson’s 47th in the middle was a personal best.

A full list of results is here, and a summary of each individual’s results is here.

OA Competition Rules Updated

An update to Orienteering Australia’s Competition Rules for foot orienteering events has been released by  OA’s Technical Director, Jenny Casanova.

A summary of the changes can be found here.

The updated version of rules can be found in the Orienteering Australia manual in Section 2.1.


High Performance Group (HPG) Updates

  1. OA Confirms Head Coach and High Performance Administrator Roles extension until 2020

At its recent board meeting OA Directors discussed and agreed to extend the terms of the OA Head Coach, Jim Russell, and High Performance Administrator, Ian Prosser, until 2020.

Extending the current terms will allow the current staff to hand over the responsibilities to new appointees after the completion of JWOC, WOC, and preparations for the Australian Championships week in 2020. Since planning for 2021 will start well before the end of 2020, OA’s plan is to commence the Head Coach recruitment in the first half of 2020 and aim for a smooth handover.

      2.Changes to current National Orienteering League flagged

Following on from the recent HPG survey (results summary here) it has been decided to introduce a shorter NOL season from 2020. Next year’s NOL will end with the ACT round in May. Where feasible, other enhancements highlighted in the survey results will be encouraged in collaboration with the NOL organisers and state teams. From the survey results some common themes evolved such as more exciting races, increase the team element of the NOL, reduced costs of participation, and a better pathway for younger orienteers.

      3. OA HPG and Coaching Committee meeting at Oceania

Orienteering Australia has now formally constituted a High Performance and Coaching Committee. Each state is invited to appoint two delegates to the committee (as foreshadowed in an earlier email to the States) and the national athlete representative is invited as well. The terms of reference for the committee are attached.

The first official meeting of the committee will be held at the Oceania Sprint Champs on Saturday 28th September as soon as the presentation ceremony concludes. Details are in the attached draft agenda. Also attached are the earlier circulated notes from the interim meeting held in April.

Australian Bushrangers Team for Oceania Carnival

Orienteering Australia is pleased to announce the Australian team for an elite test match against the New Zealand Pinestars at the Oceania Carnival. The test match will be conducted over Oceania sprint, relay, long and middle races; and the the Australian long champs. The number of competitors in each race is set by NZ as the visiting team.

The team is:
Bridget Anderson (all races)
Natasha Key (all races)
Krystal Neumann (all races)
Belinda Lawford (sprint, Oceania long, middle)
Aisllinn Prendergast (Aust and Oceania long)
Grace Crane (middle)

Matt Doyle (all races)
Brodie Nankervis (all races)
Simon Uppill (all races)
Matt Crane (sprint, Aust long)
Martin Dent (sprint, Aust long)
Aston Key (Oceania long, middle)

Mikayla Cooper (all races)
Zoe Melhuish (all races)
Tara Melhuish (Oceania champs races)
Ella Cuthbert (sprint, middle, Aust and Oceania long)
Caitlin Young (sprint, middle, Aust and Oceania long)
Joanna George (middle, Aust and Oceania long)
Abigail George (Aust long)
Arabella Phillips (sprint)

Dante Afnan (all races)
Alastair George (all races)
Patrick Miller (all races)
Angus Haines  (sprint, middle, Aust and Oceania long)
Alvin Craig (middle, Aust and Oceania long)
Duncan Currie (sprint)

Congratulations to all selected athletes.


Australian Team for World Cup China

The senior selection panel have finalised the Australian team for the World Cup round in China toward the end of October. The selected athletes are:

Bridget Anderson
Mary Fleming
Natasha Key
Belinda Lawford
Krystal Neumann
Anna Sheldon

Jarrah Day
Martin Dent
Matt Doyle
Aston Key
Henry McNulty
Brodie Nankervis

Team manager: Ian Prosser

Congratulations to all selected athletes. This is the largest and strongest team we have sent to a World Cup for quite some time.

Australia – New Zealand Challenge Team Announced

Orienteering Australia’s ANZ Challenge selection panel is pleased to announce the team for the age group classes.  The team was selected from the 119 nominations received in Eventor, where the nominees had also entered the same classes in the Oceania races, and was based on form from the last two national carnival events.

The team for each of the 4 disciplines is the same.

W16A Justine Hobson
W16A Zali McComb
W16A Ana Penck
W18A Serena Doyle
W18A Julia Gannon
W18A Nina Gannon
W40A Rachel West
W40A Tracy Marsh
W40A Marina Iskhakova
W45A Cathy McComb
W45A Clare Hawthorne
W45A Silke Speier
W50A Barbara Hill
W50A Jennifer Enderby
W50A Cath Chalmers
W55A Paula Shingler
W55A Toni Brown
W55A Ana Herceg
W60A Jenny Bourne
W60A Debbie Davey
W60A Hilary Wood
W70A Lois West
W70A Libby Meeking
W70A Jenny Hawkins
M16A David Stocks
M16A Toby Cazzolato
M16A Torren Arthur
M18A Mason Arthur
M18A Blake Reinbott
M18A Grant Reinbott
M40A Craig Feuerherdt
M40A Fedor Iskhakov
M40A Damien Enderby
M45A Bruce Arthur
M45A Matthew Stocks
M45A Craig Dufty
M50A Shane Doyle
M50A Jock Davis
M50A Michael Warlters
M55A Geoff Lawford
M55A Kenneth McLean
M55A Jemery Day
M60A Rob Vincent
M60A Eoin Rothery
M60A Jeff Dunn
M70A Steve Flick
M70A Tony Radford
M70A Paul Hoopmann

Australia’s Challenge Team Manager will be Orienteering Tasmania’s Kim Nankervis. Kim has previously managed an Australia Challenge Team in New Zealand. Kim can be contacted via

Kim will be responsible for organising the team and has a number of formal responsibilities under the Challenge rules (mostly relating to agreements between the countries on late team changes, etc.),  and any co-ordination matters of the relay teams, especially to sort out last minute team changes if there are any injuries to selected team members.

The senior elite selection panel have made the following selection of relay teams for both the ANZ Challenge and the Australian Bushrangers Team for the elite test match.

Matt Doyle
Brodie Nankervis
Simon Uppill

Bridget Anderson
Natasha Key
Krystal Neumann

The elite selection panel will look at the teams for the other races within this week. The above elite relay teams selections are being made public first so that the State relay selectors can make their own decisions.

The junior elite selection panel has selected the following athletes for the ANZ Challenge and for the relay in the ANZ elite test match:

Dante Afnan
Alistair George
Patrick Miller

Mikalya Cooper
Tara Melhuish
Zoe Melhuish

 Good Luck to all!

Silva Medal 2019 – Progress Scores After WA Carnival

Silva Medal 2019

Progress Scores after Australian Easter Carnival in Perth

After the five events in Western Australia that contribute to the determination of the winner of the Silva Medal 34 orienteers from the list below below (but not all of them) can theoretically achieve six victories with four more events to be conducted at the Oceania Championships. That is, they have already achieved two or more victories. With 9 events used to calculate the Silva Medal this year the maximum points can be achieved with less that 6 victories provided significant points are achieved in events other than those won. Theoretically, 89 orienteers can reach maximum points at this time. Of course, it is expected that this list will reduce dramatically as events are concluded.

Three orienteers have achieved five victories. They only need to achieve one victory from the remaining four events to achieve six victories and score the maximum points. In the first weekend of the Oceania Championships 12 orienteers on the list can possibly reach maximum points.

It is highly likely that there will be more than one orienteer who will achieve maximum points and it is therefore expected that that the countback process based on average winning margins will apply.

The average winning margin for the leading three orienteers are:

  • Stephen Craig 23%

  • Bruce Arthur 16%

  • Robin Uppill 1%

Robin has had some narrow wins. Both Stephen and Bruce have had some good wins.

Progressive scores will be announced at the presentation for each event providing time allows between finalisation of the event and the presentation to carry out the calculations. Each night of the event an article will appear under News on the OA website.

Darryl Erbacher

















































NOL survey results

A survey about possible changes to the National Orienteering League season was circulated in July. There was a great response to the survey and a summary of the results can be found here. Thanks for all the thoughtful input.

The OA Board will consider making changes to the NOL season for future years at its September meeting.

Australian team for World Cup China

The senior selection panel have named five men and five women to the Australian team for the final World Cup round in China. The sixth man and woman will be selected immediately after the Oceania Sprint Championships. All remaining nominees will be considered for the last spots in the team.

The selected athletes are:
Bridget Anderson
Mary Fleming
Natasha Key
Belinda Lawford
Krystal Neumann

Martin Dent
Matt Doyle
Aston Key
Henry McNulty
Brodie Nankervis

Team manager: Ian Prosser

Congratulations to all selected athletes. This is the strongest team we have sent to a World Cup for quite some time.

Manager sought for 2019 Australian-New Zealand Challenge Team

A manager is sought for the Australian team for the 2019 Australia-New Zealand Orienteering Challenge, to be contested as part of the 2019 Oceania Championships from Saturday 28th September to Sunday 6th October in NSW and Victoria.

The manager will be responsible for organising the team and has a number of formal responsibilities under the Challenge rules (mostly relating to agreements between the countries on late team changes, etc.).

The manager may also have a role in uniform orders1. The manager will be responsible for the distribution of uniforms (O-tops) and any co-ordination matters of the relay teams, especially to sort out last minute team changes if there are any injuries to selected team members.

The manager will not be expected to organise any travel or accommodation arrangements for the team.

As compensation for the role, Orienteering Australia will refund the entry fees to the Oceania Championship events of the selected candidate.

If you are interested in taking on this role, please contact Orienteering Australia as soon as possible and absolutely by Saturday, 7 September 2019 through the Executive Officer.

1 Any uniform order task will be limited in nature as selected team members may already have a Challenge top, and there are only a few tops currently in stock at the OA Office. Current supplier leads times are such that new tops cannot be ordered and received in time once team selection has been finalised. Any ordering of new tops will be shared with the OA Executive Officer.