Applications are sought for key position within High Performance and Coaching
Orienteering Australia (OA) is seeking a passionate leader to facilitate the development of orienteering coaching nationally. The successful candidate will be appointed initially for a one year term, with the role to be reviewed (subject to available funding) and extended if possible for an additional one year term.
The National Manager of Coaching Development will focus on securing a coaching development strategy between clubs, states and OA to enhance the number and quality of coaches, support athlete improvement at all levels, and raise the quality of coaching activities. This forms an important part of OA’s objective of strengthening coaching availability as part of giving all orienteers, regardless of their current level in the sport, the opportunity to improve their performance to the best of their ability.
This role formally reports to the Director (High Performance) and is a part of the High Performance Management Group (HPMG) together with the Head Coach, Administrator of Coaching Development and High Performance Administrator.
The core responsibilities of the position are:
- The national coaching development program and standards
- Coach accreditation and re-accreditation
- Coach and athlete development materials and curricula, and
- Monitoring and development of the coach and athlete pathways in collaboration with the Head Coach.
Further details are outlined in the position description available here.
There may be scope, if mutually agreed, for this role to take on additionally funded project work. Formal coaching qualifications and experience in coaching will be a significant advantage.
It is anticipated that the dates for the initial one-year term for the position will be from 1st February 2020 until 31st January 2021.
Remuneration: $35/hr, 6.5hrs per week on a casual, part time basis (based on 48 weeks) , plus the superannuation contribution guarantee of 9.5% (SGC), and reimbursement of reasonable work related expenses.
Applicants are requested to outline experience and aspirations for the role on no more than two A4 pages and forward to the Orienteering Australia Executive Officer at
Applications close: Thursday 12th December.