recent Australian 3 Days
Orienteering ACT regrets to advise the passing of Jim Sawkins. On Sunday morning Jim was orienteering on the new Goorooyaroo map when he collapsed soon after starting his course. Despite receiving the best possible first aid (some orienteers, well trained in CPR, were with him quickly and the paramedics were on the scene soon afterwards), he was not able to be revived.
Anne had started earlier than Jim and on her way back to the finish she came across the group (including ambulance paramedics) trying to revive him. A number of close orienteering friends stayed with her and Jim until son Tim arrived to take her home. She is being supported by family and friends.
Jim was the consummate orienteer, both as a competitor; he won the M65A class at the 2006 Australian 3-Days and was the 2005 ACT Orienteer of the Year, and as an official; on Saturday he was the organiser of the usual Saturday Program event and he contributed to the success of many major orienteering carnivals in the ACT. He was the best. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him.

The Sawkins family wants it to be known that orienteering should not be seen as in any way contributing to his death. He was in great spirits when he started and he died on a beautiful sunny Canberra winter’s day on a new map doing what he loved.
The family and the organizers of Sunday’s event wish to thank the many who stopped to provide assistance and to stay and comfort Anne during her moment of need.
Orienteering ACT is currently seeking advice from the ACT Ambulance service, which provides access to counselling. More information will be provided when the details are available.
Anne Sawkins and family have announced that the funeral of the late Jim Sawkins will b held at the Norwood Park Crematorium on Thursday, 8 June 2006 at 4.30pm.
Our thoughts and sympathy are with Anne, Tim and his family Jenny, Hannah and Rebekah, David, Robert and the extended Sawkins family.