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Anti-Doping: Get Educated!
ASADA e-Learning is an anti-doping education tool developed for the Australian sporting community by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA).
Programs and resources
ASADA offers a range of anti-doping education opportunities for individuals, clubs, schools, state and national sporting organisations.
Most programs and resources are available free of charge.
Of most relevance to orienteers will be these courses –
Level 1 Anti-Doping Course – This course provides you with the opportunity to develop your knowledge of anti-doping. The interactive course comprises of six modules and an assessment. Total time to complete this course is approximately 70 minutes.
A certificate is issued upon completion of the course and the final survey.
Level 2 Anti-Doping Course – This course is for athletes and support personnel who need to stay up to date on the latest information on anti-doping. This course is updated annually to reflect current trends in anti-doping. A certificate is issued upon completion and expires on 31st December each year.
Pre-requisite for this course is the successful completion of the Level 1 course.
Coaches Course – This course is available for coaches and other athlete support personnel to build on knowledge gained in the Level 1 Anti-Doping Course. It aims to assist coaches understand their obligations in anti-doping. This course will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Parents Course – This course has been developed in cooperation with the World Anti-Doping Authority (WADA) to give Parents’ and Guardians information on Clean Sport. Course Length: 20 minutes
The courses are easy to use and free. Get started today by visiting
Need help? Contact ASADA here
Orienteering Australia Anti-doping Information
Orienteering Australia Anti-doping Officer
Paul Prudhoe, Executive Officer
Important links
Orienteering Australia Anti-Doping Policy (Orienteering Australia Operational Manual Section 5.12)
The IOF page includes access to WADA’s Anti-Doping e-Learning Platform (ADeL) and offers access to all topics related to clean sport and Anti-Doping. It offers courses for athletes, coaches, doctors, administrators and anyone interested in learning more about anti-doping and protecting the values of clean sport.
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