OA Mapping Resources Updated
Orienteering Australia’s resources have been updated to add two items of interest to mappers, and especially to beginners.
OA Mapping Officer Neil Barr has made available a blog link that concentrates upon freeware tools and fills a gap to match the OCAD wiki. The blog link can be found here. Neil has also advised that more resources will be made available in the near future prior to the forthcoming Mappers Workshop being held during the Oceania Carnival in October. More information on the workshop can be found here.
ONSW’s Hamish Mackie has made available the first part of a “How To” guide for beginners . The guide can be found here.
Australian mappers might not be aware that Hamish has also created a public group Facebook page Orienteering Mappers Australia. The page was created as a discussion group for people to learn and share information about creating and editing maps for orienteering.