OA Meetings, 10 & 11 June, Australian Three Days, Wagga Wagga

Sturt Public School Hall is booked for the meetings. Car parking is in the school car park on White Avenue.
Travel time back into Wagga from the events is about 15 mins on Saturday and 50 mins on Sunday.
Meeting Schedule:
Saturday 4.30-5.00: Events Committee
Saturday 5.00-6.15: Technical Committee
Sunday 3.30-4.30: Mapping Committee
Sunday 3:30-4:30: Schools Championship 2017 Managers and Coaches Meeting
Sunday 4.30-6.00: OA Special General Meeting

OA Special General meeting agenda

  1. Filling of vacant Board positions: Director (High Performance); 2 Directors at large
  2. OA proposal on finance for 2018: Budget proposal for OA Special General Meeting 190517
  3. Update on governance: 2017 SGM – governance update
  4. Uptake of Eventor as a national membership and participation database:
    i. 2017 SGM – Eventor paper
    ii. 2017 SGM – Eventor renewal
  5. Implementation of the digital edition of the Australian Orienteer: 2017 SGM – Australian Orienteer paper
  6. Participation and Sporting Schools: outcome of the ASC’s Participation and Sporting Schools Workshop on 1 June
  7. Coaching development: update from Barbara Hill on 2 national projects:
    a. Level 1 coaching manual
    b. A set of Sporting Schools lessons for years 7 and 8 in high schools for which we need education department endorsement and endorsement by all states at the 2017 OA Conference

8. OA Annual Conference: 2 & 3 December, AIS, Canberra

Mapping Committee
Agenda: Mapping Committee meeting agenda June 2017

Technical Committee
Agenda: 2017 Tech Committee Agenda

Events Committee
Agenda: 2017 OA Events Committee Meeting Agenda