Upload your GPX to win
Did you wear a GPS during the recent Australian Orienteering Championships (AOC)?
Do you know that you can upload your GPX files to Eventor?
Did you know that it is possible to replay your run on a map directly from Eventor using thebeatentrack.org?
Orienteering Australia is running a competition over the next 10 days. Every GPX route uploaded to the AOC events before Monday 19 October will go in the draw to win some prizes.
Its easy to participate. Simply log into Eventor, go to the results page and select the “Upload route” option at the top of the page. Select your GPX file (wait a few seconds until it appears) and then click the Upload button. Repeat for each event you participated in – each upload will give you one entry in the draw.
We will post links to each of the events below and on the event information pages so you can compare your routes against your fellow competitors.
- Victorian Middle Distance Championships
- Australian Middle Distance Championships
- Australian Schools Sprint Championships
- Australian Schools Individual Championships
- Australian Sprint Distance Championships
- Australian Long Distance Championships
So get uploading. Good luck!