Sprint Mapping Seminar, Ballarat, 1 October 2015
10am-5pm, Thursday, 1 October 2015
Orienteering Australia’s Mapping Committee invites you to a Sprint Mapping Seminar to be held in Ballarat during the 2015 Australian Championships Carnival.
The three presenters are AdrianUppill (Chair, OA Mapping Committee), Alex Tarr and Andrew Lumsden. They have more than 100 years of mapping experience between them and have mapped and field checked sprint maps for JWOC, WMOC, National Events, etc.
Target Audience and Aim
Most competitors at the Australian Championships Carnival would benefit from attending. The Seminar will help:
- existing sprint mappers improve their mapping;
- provide a detailed exposition on how the Sprint Mapping Specification should be used; introduction
- give new sprint mappers an idea of the challenges awaiting them in the bush and urban environments; and
- help competitors improve their sprint race performance by improving their knowledge of what is and isn’t mapped and why.
The Seminar will discuss how to produce a sprint map suitable for use in a World Ranking Event competition. The Mapping Committee believes that every sprint mapper should have this aim, even if the map is for club level events.
Eastwood Leisure Complex, 20 Eastwood Street, Ballarat, Victoria – which is where the AusChamps World Series StreetO Challenge starts from.
Free. BYO lunch and drinks.
Please send an email to Andrew Lumsden (lumsden.byers@gmail.com). Please:
- if you only want to attend some sessions, mention which ones;
- if you want a printed copy of any PowerPoint slides for the presentations (we will email you a copy after the Seminar).
10.00 Aim, scope & introductions
10.30 Introduction to sprint mapping – Andrew Lumsden
11.00 Non-urban sprint mapping – Alex Tarr
12.00 Lunch & general chat
13.00 Urban sprint mapping & the International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps (ISSOM) – Andrew Lumsden
14.30 Afternoon tea
14.45 Urban sprint mapping & ISSOM continued
15.45 Walk around neighbourhood looking at Sprint mapping conundrums – Adrian Uppill
16.45 Seminar finishes
17.00 AusChamps World Series StreetO Challenge mass start
People are welcome to attend one or more sessions.
Please contact:
- Andrew Lumsden by email (byers@gmail.com); or
- phone him on 02 9412 3545 (after 16 August).