HP News May 2015

Orienteering Australia

High Performance News

 May 12th 2015

Tiomila Relay

Last weekend saw the running of the large and very important Swedish relay-Tiomila. There was live TV including GPS tracking and also live commentary and results. The men’s race was very close and was not decided until the very last control of the 10th leg after 7 hours 43 minutes of orienteering. Three teams, IFK Goteborg (Eskil Kinneberg), Kalevan Rasti (Thierry Gueorgiou) and Halden SK (Magne Daehli) ran the last long leg (17.5km) together until Eskil Kinneberg outsprinted the other two coming into the arena to claim a very narrow victory for IFK Goteborg. Five teams started the last leg together and unfortunately the IFK Lidingo runner Fedrik Johansson made a couple of errors and lost contact with the leading three runners.

Of the Australians who were running Julian Dent (IFK Lidingo) was at the back of the leading group at the end of Leg 2 (1:03) after being with the leaders until a small mistake at control 14. His team was in the lead at the end of leg 9 and finished in 4th place to follow up their second place in 2014. They are now very much looking forward to the next main relay- Jukola- to be held on 13th June in Finland.

Henry McNulty ran the third leg which was a long 16.9 km at night with no splits. A very great experience for Henry to be running with the best orienteers in this relay. Henry is with OK Linne and this was his first experience in this relay. He finished his leg in 96th place. Leon Russell-Keely was also running the 3rd leg and he went out with the leading pack of runners and was still in the leading pack when he finished. However, there are no splits available for him as I am told that his SI broke and so no time has been recorded. However, the GPS has Leon visiting all controls, so despite the SI problem a very good run by Leon. The WOC Coach Tom Quayle also competed for his Swedish club. Tom ran the 8th leg and finished in 87th place, and just over a minute in front of Simone Niggli who was running for the women’s team that competed in the men’s event.

GPS tracking and maps





World Cup

The next round of the World Cup will be held in Norway and Sweden 3rd-7th June. There will be a long distance event and a sprint relay in Halden and then a middle distance event and a sprint distance event in NW Sweden.

Australia will have four entrants in these events: Vanessa Round (Long, Middle), Henry McNulty (Sprint, Middle), Leon Russell-Keely (Long, Middle) and Matt Schepisi (Sprint, Middle).


NOL Round 8 and 9- Middle and Long Distance

The entries for these very important events for all national squad members close on Wed 13th May. These two events are important for WOC 2015 selection and also provide the JWOC team members valuable racing experience before they travel to Norway.



Event details:


We will also be launching the new sponsorship arrangement that we have just agreed to with Icebug Australia. The details of this sponsorship which will cover the WOC and JWOC teams as well as the National Orienteering League will be announced at these events.


New Zealand Training Camp and Bushrangers Test matches.

23 national squad athletes and 5 coaches will be travelling to New Zealand for a training camp in the week after the NOL events Mon 25th May- Fri 30th May and then to compete in the long weekend events in the Woodhill Forest north of Auckland. These vents will be test matches against New Zealand (team and details to be available later this week).

Event website:
