Australian Three Days – Standard Entries Closing March 1st

Australian Three Days Standard Entries are closing soon – Sunday March 1st.

This Three Day event (3rd  to 6th April) begins with an urban event in Jamestown, followed by three bush events in mallee areas east of Jamestown and northeast of Hallett.

The courses planners have been very busy over the last few months finalising the courses, this is nearing completion.  The Jamestown event begins with the elite races, after which other orienteers can enter in the Public Prologue covering the same courses plus a shorter course.  You can put three family members together to enter the Family Teams event (results are both overall and on handicap based on ages).  The map covers the Jamestown school (photos below) and adjacent areas of this rural township.


The three following days are all in mallee terrain, with the details and styles of course setting varying each day.  Day 1, set by Simon Uppill on the southern part of Bri-Glen, northern Merridee and an extension to the west, has Middle Distance format course setting through the complex creek systems of this area.  Day 2 set by Phil Hazell on Tundarri (new area) and northern Bri-Glen varies in style through creek systems on the eastern flatter parts of the map to more traditional long distance courses setting on the typical mallee spur gully terrain to the west.  Paul Hoopmann has set the Day 3 courses on the new Mulga Valley map, where subtle topography dissected by steeper creek systems offers a third style of courses.


All the course planners have included spectator legs on the longer courses, so whilst you are not out running on your courses, you can watch other orienteers on their courses from the Assembly areas.

For more information see all the details at

If you haven’t entered, standard entries close on March 1st, with late entries to March 13th   See the information on how to enter and the link to the Eventor entry pages at

Or go direct to Eventor at –

Please remember unless you are entering Elite Classes – go to the link “Races All” and deselect Race 1 (the prologue day).

If you need assistance entering contact Ken Thompson at