Aussie World Cup Team Performs Strongly in first Race of World Cup

The Australia team started its 2015 World Cup campaign with a solid opening performance. 9 Women and 7 Men made the cut to reach the top 40, and will run the sprint final to be held at Launceston tomorrow the 3rd of January.

The team achieved 5 top ten results in the two heats, with 16 athletes qualifying for the final. This shapes up for a very interesting World Cup Sprint race. First startes are at 9.30 at Launceston University.

Ian Lawford 9th
Lachlan Dow 10th
Hanny Allston 6th
Jasmine Neve 8th
Rachel Effeny 9th

Strong performances from our younger men see Matt Doyle 18yrs and Brodie Nankervis 21yrs make the final in 18th and 19th place respectively. Great results for the future of Australian orienteering. Heather Muir, as one of our youngest women, also makes the final in 17th place. Our remaining male finalists are; Bryan Keely having a strong race to place 12 and the experienced pair of Julian Dent and Simon Uppill; 11th and 14th. The remaining women to qualify are Laurina Neumann 16th, Krystal Neumann, 17th and Kathry Preston Ewels 18th.

See the full team results and profiles here.