NATIONAL JUNIOR SQUADS selected & Training Camp dates announced


Given that many juniors will be busy orienteering in New Zealand over January the national training camp format is slightly different this year.

The January camp, which will be in Canberra, will start from Friday 25th Jan until the evening of Monday 28th January, utilising the long weekend.   This camp is open to ALL JUNIORS from 14 -20 years who have shown they can orienteer on moderate to hard courses.  (No beginners.)   Applications are welcome from individual athletes and state associations are also urged to prompt suitable juniors.

Participants would have to arrive on the Friday morning before 1pm and depart in the evening of Monday 28th.   Local orienteers might be able to accommodate those from far away for longer.

There will be a post Easter camp from Wed April 3rd to Sat April 6th in Victoria following the Easter 3 Day held in Bendigo.   Arrive in Creswick Wed. am and depart Sat. pm.  Again this camp is open to all juniors from 14-20years of a competent standard.   If interstate participants require a bed with locals on the Monday & Tuesday nights, that should be able to be arranged.  Note that this week is school holidays only for Queensland.   Nominations for this camp will be called at a later date.

Interested athletes in the January Camp should email the camp manager, Valerie Barker ( to reserve their spot.   The camp will be led by Valerie and Roch Prendergast (JWOC coach), who are both trained teachers and accredited coaches.   There will be some cost to the camp, but it will also be subsidised by Orienteering Australia.

Coaches and elite athletes who would like to assist at either camp should contact Roch ( asap.  Accommodation costs will be able to be paid for those who assist. 

It is really worth-while having coaches from different states contribute to national camps and they also learn from each other.   It may be possible to subsidise a flight for a coach from an outer state.  If you would like OA to consider this please copy the HP Manager Kay Haarsma, ( into your email to Roch.


Matt Doyle – VIC                    Ian Lawford – VIC/ACT
Shaun McDonough – TAS     Oscar McNulty – WA
Ashley Nankervis – TAS        Brodie Nankervis – TAS
Todd Neve- VIC                    Olle Poland- ACT

Nicola Blatchford – NSW       Michele Dawson – NSW
Jacqui Doyle – Q                   Anna Dowling – TAS
Mary Fleming – VIC              Shea-Cara Hammond – ACT
Nicola Marshall – TAS           Heather Muir – Q
Lanita Steer- VIC



Jarrah Day- TAS                   Daniel Hill- NSW
Patrick Jaffe- VIC                  Henry McNulty – WA
Stephen Melhuish- ACT        Oisin Stronach- TAS


Heather Burridge- Q       Zoe Dowling – TAS
Lucy Fleming – VIC         Hannah Goddard – TAS
Winnie Oakhill – Q           Asha Steer-VIC