World Cup Team for NZ announced.

Rachel Effeney
Rachel Effeney
Olle Poland
Olle Poland

After much deliberation the selectors have chosen the following team for the

World Cups in New Zealand in January 2013.

It is a pleasing mix of experience and youth.


WOMEN Middle Sprint Prologue
Bridget Anderson Q Y Y Y
Felicity Brown NSW Y Y Y
Susanne Casanova SA/NT Y Y Y
Grace Crane TAS Y Y Y
Rachel Effeney Q Y Y n/a
Lauren Gillis SA RES
Laurina Neuman Q RES Y
Jasmine Neve V Y Y Y
Mace Neve V Y Y Y
Aislinn Prendergast V Y Y Y
Kathryn Preston V Y Y Y
Anna Sheldon Q Y Y Y
Heather Muir Q RES



MEN Middle Sprint Prologue
Bruce Arthur        # V Y
Evan Barr              # V Y RES 1 Y
Lachlan Dow ACT Y Y Y
Julian Dent NSW Y Y Y
Bryan Keely V Y Y Y
Ian Lawford ACT/V Y Y Y
Oscar McNulty WA Y
Chris Naunton V Y Y
Max Neve V Y Y RES 1
Olle Poland ACT RES 1 Y Y
Rob Preston NSW Y Y
Dave Shepherd ACT Y Y Y
Simon Uppill SA Y Y Y

Josh  Blatchford   NSW      RES 2 for all events.


-Australia and New Zealand are able to have 10 runners per event whilst

other countries are limited to 6.

-Murray Scown was unavailable.

–   #   = subject to fitness.

–  In the men’s team, a couple of the selections are subject to fitness.   As such,  it was always  our intention to name 2 reserves for each discipline.  However in the announcement only one reserve was named.  Thus the above list has been amended to include Josh.


Jenny Casanova (Chair of senior selection panel)

Other selectors were:  Wendy Read, Tom Quayle, Kay Haarsma