WOC 2005 Australian Team

Message from Ian Prosser, Chair of Selectors, on the 2005 WOC team selection:


Jo Allison: Sprint, Long, Relay
Hanny Allston: Middle, Long, Relay
Tracy Bluett: Middle, Relay
Al Jones: Sprint, Long
Natasha Key: Sprint, Middle


David Brickhill-Jones: Sprint, Relay
Grant Bluett: Sprint, Long, Relay
Troy de Haas: Sprint, Long, Relay
Julian Dent: Middle
Dave Shepherd: Middle, Long
Rob Walter: Middle


This year the selectors were asked to not only name the team, but to decide who will run in each discipline.  This is to give athletes some certainty in preparation for the event.  The team management may change the allocation to disciplines where there are special circumstances such as illness or injury.

Australian WOC teams are composed of a minimum of four women and four men with additional athletes, up to a maximum of seven men and seven women, included on the basis of their international competitiveness and how they fit into the team in particular disciplines.  Athletes nominate their preference for particular disciplines but the selectors are free to allocate disciplines for the best good of the overall team.  They consider factors such as the record of each athlete in each discipline and the schedule of races during WOC.

Ian will be hard to contact this week. If you have any queries please contact Jason McCrae (Jason.McCrae@act.gov.au, 0407 510 955).