MicrO microff?

It looks like after a fair bit of hoo-haa MicrO will not be part of WOC 06. Although nothing official seems to have come out of IOF land the following message has been posted on the WOC 06 organisers website:

Press Release: MicrO off the menu
Posted by Kell Sønnichsen on October 18, 2005 at 15:35

MicrO is off the menu for the World Orienteering Championships next year in Denmark
The IOF Council decision made in Japan states that the implementation of the MicrO concept in the Middle Distance at next year’s World Orienteering Championships is conditioned upon an agreement of comprehensive TV coverage, which was to be signed before October 1st. The possibility of extended TV coverage involved cooperation between the organizers and the two Nordic TV channels, Danmarks Radio and TV2 Norge. The practical negotiations were positive and at the original deadline the only outstanding issue was the financing. Unfortunately even though the deadline was prolonged it has not been possible to find the funds to fully cover the additional costs.

Therefore we, the WOC 2006 organizers have informed the IOF that MicrO will not be put into practice at next year’s WOC. It is with regret that we take this decision – we believe that cooperation between TV channels from orienteering countries is a necessity if our sport is to be shown frequently on TV in the future.

However, WOC 2006 still has a contract with the national TV broadcasting company Danmarks Radio and will continue to work hard to secure high quality broadcasts from all four finals. Furthermore we hope to maintain a good working relationship with the Norwegian TV2 even if MicrO is no longer in the picture.

To all those people involved in this process we thank you for your efforts and hope that you will continue to do your best for our great sport.

The WOC 2006 Organizing Committee

For further information please contact:

Johan Fegar
Media Director
Telephone +45 2873 2323