Australian Three Days 2015 South Australia – Early Bird Entries Close December 31st

The 2015 Australian 3 Days will be back in South Australia from the 3rd – 6th April 2015. This traditional Easter orienteering event will begin with the Prologue in Jamestown using a newly mapped area within this historic township. The three bush days will be held on mallee areas about 30 km east of Jamestown and 50 km north of Burra. These areas are north of those used for the Australian Three Days in 2007 and have been newly mapped/re-mapped.

The 4 days event areas are

  • Prologue Event: Jamestown (township, school and parkland area)
  • Day 1: Wonna Creek – part of the existing Southern Bri-Glen – Northern Merridee with a new extension to west
  • Day 2: Northern Bri-Glen –Tundarri (new area)
  • Day 3: Mulga Valley (new area)


Bri-Glen and Merridee were first used for the Australian Three Days in 1990. The areas to be used on these maps have been remapped by Paul Hoopmann (Bri-Glen) and Adrian Uppill (Merridee). Paul has also mapped the new Mulga Valley map, and Adrian the Tundarri map and Merridee extension. The terrain is complex spur gully, with some very deeply incised and complex water courses on parts of the maps. Linear rocky outcrops are common. Mallee cover, limited light green and scattered open areas will make for fast running and fast km rates.

Classes on offer will suit the serious elite (E) to the competitive (A, AS) to the recreational (B)

  • Elite Classes: M/W20, 21
  • A Classes: M/W 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 21, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90
  • AS Classes: M/W 20, 21, 35. 45, 55, 65 (additional class)
  • B Classes: M/W Junior, Open B, 45, Easy, Very Easy, M/W10Novice

For carnival information and pre-entry go to the carnival link at

The Early Bird Closes 31st Dec – Standard entry closes March 1st.  –  Late entry on March 13th.

So to get the lowest entry fees – enter before the end of December.  Please read the instructions at the Entry page before you enter – especially of you are not entering an E class.

For event locations see the maps at the above link (road map and Google map link).
