2019 Silva Medal

2019 Silva Medal

The Silva Medal has been won by Stephen Craig NC N. Congratulations Stephen.

The Silva Medal competition for 2019 is based on points for participating and placing in the Australian Championships (Sprint, Middle and Long), the Australian 3-Days Championships (each day considered as a separate event) and the Oceania Championships (Sprint, Middle and Long) (Elite and A classes in M/W16 and above). One’s best 6 events counts towards this award.

Points are scored for completing a course as follows: 1st – 4; 2nd – 3; 3rd – 2 and 1 for finishing, 1 point if there are less than 4 starters.
Four orienteers won at least 6 of the 9 events scoring a maximum of 24 points. To determine the winner of the Silva Medal a countback based on average winning margins was used.

Orienteers who scored 20 points of more are listed below.

A second list contains 4 previous winners of this award.


Darryl Erbacher

OA Statistician