OA Executive Officer and Administrative Support Officer – applications wanted
With the forthcoming retirement of John Harding after years of outstanding service, Orienteering Australia is seeking an Executive Officer to lead the sport into the coming years in Australia. We are also seeking an Administration Support Officer to support the Executive Officer in their work.
Applications are sought for suitable candidates to fill these positions. The Orienteering Australia office is currently located in Canberra but alternative locations will be considered for suitable candidate(s). Some knowledge of orienteering is essential for the Executive Officer, and desirable for the Administration Support Officer. Both positions are part-time. It is possible for both positions to be filled by the same person.
Detailed position descriptions and selection criteria for the two positions are on the OA website.
Applications should be sent to the Orienteering Australia office at orienteering@netspeed.com.au, or at PO Box 284, Mitchell ACT 2911. Applications should be accompanied by the details of two referees.
Applications close on Friday, 22 September, 2017.
For further information about the position, please contact:
John Harding (Executive Officer), orienteering@netspeed.com.au or 02 6162 1200.
Blair Trewin (President), oa_president@netspeed.com.au or 0413 849 309.