Squads – New applications

Are you the next Julian Dent? Do you want to represent Australia at Junior World Champs? What about WOC? Or maybe University Champs? Maybe represent Australia in the Bushrangers challenge against New Zealand. To do this, you have to be part of a Squad, and on AMP. To put in a expression of interest, to become a squad member, please log into Eventor [link here] and enter.

If you are already a squad member in AMP [link here], please go there, and check out the information under ‘nominations’

For every Squad, there is COACHES. OA is currently looking for a Coach and Manager for the JWOC squad, we also need a manager for the WOC team. More information here. We will also be looking for Coach’s for the National Development Squad (NDS), Australian Junior Development Squad (NJDS) and Targeted Talent Athlete Group (TTA) If you know anyone who shows a keenest to Coach, get them to apply, or contact me at headcoach@orienteering.asn.au

There are a few training camps being organised. 1st of these are in NZ from the 10th – 17th Dec. Maps and training exercises are being organised, but you need to look after your own airfares, transport and accommodation. Want more info? contact me. Than in early January, 2nd – 7th there will be a Camp at Falls Creek. This camp will focus on Fitness, with many long runs through the High country, as well as Intervals along the aqueduct. More Info to come out soon.
Squad and team athletes are kept informed of OA High Performance activities through the Athlete Management Program website.  For other state and individual supporters of the HP Program we are happy to keep you informed through a HP email list. If you would like to be on this list please email the HP Administrator (Ian Prosser; ian.prosser11@gmail.com) with your details.
Jim Russell
Orienteering Australia Head Coach