JWOC Team 2015

Following the conclusion of the Easter Carnival Orienteering Australia has announced the team that will represent Australia at the

Junior World Orienteering Championships 

to be held in Rauland, Norway 5th July-10th July

Women – 

Nicola Blatchford             NSW

Anna Dowling                    Tas

Hannah Goddard              Tas

Winnie Oakhill                   QLD

Olivia Sprod                       SA

Lanita Steer                       VIC


Simeon Burrill                    QLD

Aidan Dawson                   NSW

Jarrah Day                          Tas

Matt Doyle                         VIC

Patrick Jaffe                       VIC

Henry McNulty                  WA

Coach: Hanny Allston                    Tas                 Manager: Karen Blatchford        NSW

See Full Athlete Profiles here

The team will compete in a Sprint distance, Middle distance qualification and final, Long distance and Relay events during six days of competition.

The terrain is described as:

Mountain forest 700-1100 m above sea level. Mainly open pine and birch forest with a lot of small and bigger marshes. Lower areas and hillsides   also with spruce. In general very good runnability and visibility. Some smaller areas with reduced runnability and visibility due to undergrowth, thicker forest and rocks. Varying technical challenges from areas with smooth contours and few details to areas with complex contours and many map details. Some old man-made features like reminders of old, small mountain farms. A few smaller areas with a lot of newer mountain cabins and gravel roads. Part of the terrain has cross-country ski tracks and alpine ski slopes.

Old map of JWOC Terrain
Old map of JWOC Terrain