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Thursday 6th October 2011 Canberra

All material presented at the course is available for download below.

  1. Role Of The Controller – Jenny Casanova
  2. Event Formats – Robin Uppill
  3. Entry, Start and Finish (Entries And SPORTIdent)- Robin Uppill
  4. Risk Management – Robin Uppill
  5. Map Production – Adrian Uppill
  6. Jury Guidelines on Cancelling-a-competition (IOF Document)

Updated Level_3_Controller_Tool_Kit

August 8 2009 – Adelaide

The following additional material was used at the Level 3 workshop held in Adelaide in 2009.

1. Agenda

2. Summary of the current Event Guidelines was followed by a review of many example courses – Robin Uppill

3. Discussion of management of entries and SPORTident – Robin Uppill

4. Risk Management Considerations and Planning – for competitors and others – Robin Uppill

5. IOF Ranking Events – Chris  Brown

6. THE_ COURSE_ MAP – standards and quality control – Adrian Uppill

7. Managing Expectations – Elites and Others – Chris Brown

Monday 26th September 2005 – Hobart Botanic Gardens

This was the first Level 3 Controllers workshop since the introduction of the ASC’s National Officiating Accreditation Scheme. All material presented at the course is available for download below in pdf format.

1. Ethics & Fairness (Kathy Liley)

2. Managing Expectations of Elite Competitors (Bob Mouatt)

3. Major Events: An Holistic Perspective (Katy & Dave Stubbs )

4. Sportident in Major Events (Discussion lead by Geoff Adams, based on material provided by Tim McIntyre and Kathy Liley)

5. Jury Decisions at a National & International Level (Eric Andrews)

6. Recent Advances in Mapping Technology (Discussion based on material provided by Noel Schoknecht)

7. Sprint & Middle Distance Course Setting (Grant Bluett)

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